
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What Do You Know, I'm a Judge!

I had planned on making a standard post today, but I will have to put it off while I participate in week 4 of Deana Barnhart's  Gearin' Up To Get An Agent Blogfest.  This week is the First 200 Words Novel Critique and Contest, but instead of being a regular participant, I am a judge!  How cool is that?  Pretty cool, I think.

So while I thought to take the week off from reading then commenting on the first 200 words of 40 different participating novelists, now I am  reading and judging those critical first words.  I don't really feel worthy, but I will give it my best shot.  And how exciting to get a first glimpse at some extraordinary novels!  


  1. You've given me amazing advice in regard to my writing and I have no doubts that you will do a spectacular job!

  2. I predict you will get a great education from this experience. There's nothing like reading a sampling from the write-o-sphere. :)

  3. Yeah, I'm sure you'll learn a lot. Have fun!

  4. Good for you, Nancy. What a nice experience it'll be. And a great learning tool too. Have fun.

  5. It was a lot of fun actually! I read some really great stuff and learned a thing or two about what pulls you in to a story and what doesn't. And guess what? It's not necessarily action, conflict or turmoil!

    I found the most important thing was...wait for it...wait for it...VOICE!

    Yes, the voice was what separated the great from the good.


  6. Congratulations! It sounds like fun and a great learning experiencing. It's amazing how much we can learn from reading others' work.

  7. Wow Nancy! That's fantastic! Now, I wonder if you will be judging those first few critical words in this here comment. You may have noted the exclamation mark used for dramatic impact! :)
    Take care and have fun.

  8. That's awesome. How fun! You have such great intuition and such a critical eye when it comes to evaluating writing. You'll make an awesome judge!

  9. That sounds like fun! You will be an excellent judge.

    Do ya get to wear a robe and wield a gavel, too?

  10. You are so worthy! You totally kick butt at ripping through those first pages and weeding out the best. Have a great time doing it! :)

  11. I know how you feel about being unworthy. I judged my first contest last August--7 entries of the first 20pgs for my local RWA chapter. I learned a ton! If you're interested, we're hosting the contest again:) Enjoy the ride!! Keeping my fingers & toes crossed that I'm a finalist.

  12. VERY cool to be a judge! Good luck. I bet you'll be awesome. : )

  13. It's a good thing I didn't see this one until after the finalists were posted. I might have been tempted to kiss up or something. :) As it is, I can praise your good taste with perfect self-interest and no one cares!
