
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year!

I'm not one who normally makes resolutions, but I do set goals, and the new year is always a good time to refocus back on those goals.  So here is what I hope to accomplish in 2012:

  1. Finish my first novel already!  While I thought I was finished, since I haven't yet landed an agent, I figure I need to get a few more CPs and work out the last kinks before I start querying again in January.  Which brings me to my second goal…

  1. Land an agent!  This is the most important goal for me in 2012, but it’s also the one least under my control.  There’s nothing more I can do except write a kickass query (check) and start emailing.  Which brings me to my third goal…

  1. Complete the first draft of my second novel.  I’m so ready to get right on this one.  I have so much of the story worked out in my brain.  I’ll need to drum up an outline first then dive right in.  This time, I have several awesome CPs lined up from the word go, so hopefully, knowing what I know now, it’ll be a much smoother process the second time around.  If all goes well, or even if it doesn’t, I have one more goal…

  1. Attend my first ever writer’s conferenceBoucherCon 2012, a convention for crime and thriller writers, is being held in Cleveland, Ohio October 4th through the 7th.  I can’t tell you how excited I am to attend this, for obvious reasons, of course, but also because I will finally get the chance to meet my BFF, Lisa Regan, in person.  And I’ll also get to reunite with another wonderful friend, Jennifer Hillier, author of Creep and the forthcoming Freak, who just days ago, moved away from the Seattle area, where I live, back to her native Toronto, Canada.  If I haven’t bagged an agent yet, I hope I get the opportunity to make a few pitches. 

So that’s it for me.  What about you?  Have you made any resolutions or goals for 2012?  

Whatever they are, I hope you reach them.
Have a happy and blessed New Year, my friends, and thank you for hanging out with  me in 2011!


  1. I'm determined to finish my third book by June!
    Hope you find an agent or publisher. You deserve it.

  2. Good luck reaching all of your goals Nancy! I believe you'll be able to do anything you set your mind to. Happy and healthy New Year to you and your family! Julie

  3. Hi Nancy,
    A very busy and ambitious 2012 will be happening for you. May your dreams, your goals, become awesome realities.
    I am but a simple man and my goal is to hopefully bring a bit of joy and comfort via my shy, humble and unassuming blog.
    All the very best with your endeavours, Nancy. A most positive New Year to you and happy writing! :)
    With respect and kind wishes, Gary

  4. These are fantastic goals, Nancy. Good luck!

  5. The conference sounds amazing! I'm so excited for you!

    And best of luck on your goals! Those are some very awesome ones.

  6. Nancy...these are great goals for 2012 - you will succeed at all of them, because you've put them out there!

    Happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year Nancy! I hope you achieve all of your goals in 2012.

  8. Happy New Year, Nancy. I think these are attainable goals, and you're well on your way.

  9. Good luck with the revising and querying! I know querying is a soul-sucking process ... ugh, believe me I know. Spiffing up your manuscript and your query is a good thing to do, though. I worked on both *continuously* throughout the entire, torturous querying process. I am convinced I would never have caught my agent's eye if she'd seen the earliest version of my query -- or a previous draft of my manuscript. It was my rejections that helped me whip them both into shape for HER.

    Fingers crossed for you! Happy 2012!

  10. I LURVES writing conferences. I've learned so much and the chance to meet other aspiring writer and also published authors is so invigorating. I'm fortunate to live in an area that's rich in the publishing business and near two universities that host writing conferences.

    Good luck on your goals!

  11. My goal is to figure out how to publish on Kindle!

  12. Great (and achievable) goals!!

    Happy New Year!

  13. Woo hoo!!! We will finally meet!!! Yay! I can't wait. You know what my other goals are. I am sure you'll land an agent this year. All my appendages are crossed!!! And I can't wait to read your next book. I'm sure it is going to blow my mind, just like your first one did.

  14. Such realistic goals! Way to go!
    Hope you have a blessed New Year, Nancy!

  15. We have the same goals! (Well, at least the first three. I won't be attending any conferences, but I do live in Ohio. Does that count? *grins*)

    Best of luck, and Happy New Year!

  16. These are reachable resolutions, Nancy. And I think that's the first step to accomplishing them. They're obtainable.

    I haven't thought about making some for myself. Except healthwise. I would like to be strong and healthy and at peace. So, I suppose that's my new year's resolutions.

  17. Great resolutions, I'm sure you'll accomplish all of them!

  18. Great list! I'll be looking forward to your updates! :)

  19. Best of luck with your goals for 2012! I believe in you!

  20. Hi Nancy! A Happy New Year to you and wishing you all the very, very best for 2012! x

  21. What an amazing list of goals for the new year. Best of luck while achieving each one!

  22. I'm going to start sending stuff out this year too. Sounds like you're just on the cusp of gettign an agent, good luck.


  23. My list of goals aren't nearly as admirable as yours. I'd like to...
    1. Teach the world to sing in perfect harmony (couldn't resist).
    2. Finish my second novel.
    3. See about talking some schmuck into publishing my first novel.
    4. Reevaluate goal #1.....finish the rough draft of my second novel.
    5. Think about self-publishing.
    6. Hold off on buying Christmas presents until December 22nd.
    7. Lulled into a sense of false security by the Mayans and their frikkin' predictions, rush out to buy Christmas presents on Christmas Eve.
    8. Finding all stores closed, give friends and family copies of the unpublished first novel. Hope nobody notices.
    9. Try not be surprised when New Years 2013 dawns with the second novel still in "development" stage.
    10. Change my list of "2012 Goals" to "2013 Goals."

  24. It looks like 2012 is going to be a great year for you! I hope it brings you every success and that you reach every goal.
    Happy, happy new year!

  25. Good luck with your goals!

    Happy New Year. :)

  26. Happy New Year, Nancy! And sending you all kinds of encouragement toward meeting your goals. I attended a BoucherCon when it was held in Anchorage a few years ago - it was a blast.

  27. Happy New Year. Your goals are similiar to mine (especially finish novel & attend writing conference). I know how you feel, I thought that my novel was finished, but then I began plot consultations with Martha Alderson and found a critique partner and realized I have some major fine tuning to complete. I vow to attend my first ever conference this year and I am very determined.

    Good luck with your goals.

  28. I make goals, too. Resolutions never work for me - lol! :) I love your goals and I hope you reach them this year! Best of luck with that querying!

  29. best of luck in reaching your goals this year!
