
Monday, May 14, 2012

First Loves Blogfest

in which we post about our first loves –
first movie, first song/band, first book, and first person.

Four loves, one blogfest!

This one is both easy and hard for me.  Hard because I’m in the latter half of my life and the view back through all those previous years is cluttered with a sundry of memories, all clouding the origins of my first loves.  But here goes, at least to the best of my dim recollection:

First Movie Love:

As a high school senior in California back in 1982, this film encapsulated my life.  It’s the story of a group of California teenagers who enjoy malls, sex, and rock n' roll!

First Song/Band Love:

What can I say?  It’s frickin’ Led Zepplin, for God’s sake!

First Book Love:

I loved this book so much, I couldn’t put it down.
I was reading it during a lecture in geometry class and started crying when Johnny died.

First Person Love:
My husband, Eric!

Wasn’t he hot?  Still is, too!

I was 17 when I met him.  He was 15, but looked a lot older.  It was lust at first sight!
It took us awhile, but we finally married 8 years later,
and we’ve lived happily ever since!

Laugh all you want, but big hair was the bomb back in 1990!

So what were your first loves?


  1. How can I not comment on a post that includes a Led Zeppelin song? :D Excellent, excellent choice!

  2. I'm amazed by how many people are still married to their first loves. I rather stumbled and tripped my way through the dating scene before finding my husband. But, I found him, and that's what matters!

  3. That's so sweet that your husband is your first love. Love the pictures of you two.

  4. You look sweet, he looks hot!
    Led Zepplin - always great!
    Outsiders - I work with quite regularly at school, I read it often!

  5. Your husband is younger? You realize in high school you made all of his dreams come true, don't you? And who could forget the Phoebe Cates scene?
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  6. He was SO HOT!!!! And don't be taking any shite for that big hair!!!! Big hair rocks (sez the girl who used to be Queen of the Curling Iron).
    Love your choices!!!!

  7. How fun. Love the pictures. And yes, the 80s and the big hair. Great post.

  8. Loved reading your first loves posting and oh yes the 80's/90's big hair faze and lots and lots of Aqua Net hairspray. I think I should have taken stock out on that and curling irons back in the day. :)

  9. You mentioned two that I had forgotten about. Fast Times is just greatness. I wish I could have a re-do on my book. I love, love, love The Outsiders. "Stay gold, Ponyboy."

  10. You're the third person I know online who is married to their high school sweetheart. Amazing. And can't go wrong with The Outsiders.

  11. All great firsts! The Outsiders changed my life when I was younger. My for the worse cause I tried to seek out the "bad boys". LOL.

  12. So sweet about your husband. You two got married the year before my husband and I married.

  13. A woman of my time. 'Fast Times' holds up pretty well today. Or maybe that's because I remember what high school was like back in those days. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Back in 1990, I was only 7 years old, but I remember my mother with big hair!
    My hubby is also my first love! Gotta love that, right?

  15. I love reading all these people who are married to their first loves. I'm such a sucker for romance.

    And love the Led Zepplin tune (and the hair!)!

  16. Oh My... great choices...

    We all love something...right!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  17. Fabulous first loves, thanks for sharing. Love LZ and amazing hair/dress in the wedding picture (and how cute that Eric is your first love!!). I didn't get a chance to participate in the blog hop on this occasion (I know, I know, excuses and all that but I just haven't the bandwidth right now) but here are my first loves:

    First film--ET
    First band--Europe
    First book--Can't remember, I might have to go all the way back to miscellaneous Enid Blyton series
    First love--A young man by the name of Chris. We got it together for five wonderful years; then our lives went along very different paths in our early twenties and we kind of grew apart without noticing.

  18. First of all, your husband is so handsome :D

    Second, I LOVE The Outsiders! Easily one of my favorite books (and the movie too)!

  19. Great first loves! I'm surprised so many people seem to have married their first love. :)

  20. Wowza! Your hubs is a hottie! Ow ow!

    And I loved The Outsiders!

  21. first love: his name was Reggie and He was in 8th grade and I was in 7th!

  22. That pic of you and your husband was so funny! However, you guys make a great couple, I'm sure.

  23. Wow. I need to go check all your first loves out, pronto! Aside from your husband of course. ;)

  24. I'm older than my husband too. I was 19 and he was 17 when we met. I'd just finished my first year of college, and he was about to graduate high school. He seemed to look at me like this older, more experienced woman. Not that I minded.

  25. That big hair is seriously impressive. I'm not older than my husband but I am a little taller and some people find that strange too :)

  26. you look like marie osmond--that is meant as a compliment--i love her and your big hair!

  27. I LOVE your big hair.

    And I ALWAYS cry when Johnny dies.

  28. LOL, I can get used to shopping malls, sex and rock and roll! Good choice, Nancy.

    The Spinster’s Vow

  29. We watched Fast Times over and over at college. Of course, the boys on the dorm floor loved Phoebe Cates.

    I love your wedding photo. Adorable!

  30. I love the Outsiders too. I read it whenever I teach grade 8 and you can't believe the emotions pouring through the class at that point in the book! :)

  31. Guess it has been awhile since I last visited you because your blog looks different. You must be on fire :) Go Led Zeppelin---and big hair seems to have been popular for at least 3 decades, some of my hairstyles make me cringe today.

  32. Fast Times was a good flick! Good for you to still be with your first love. I have since found a new love since my first and we just got married. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  33. I frigging love this post! How awesome is that wedding picture? And big or not, you've always had amazing hair. And you really haven't changed much, girl. You pretty much look the same as when you got married!

  34. I just love that wedding pic! Those S.E. Hinton books were so great, very powerful. I think I was so upset that I never fully got over it! LOL.

  35. HA! Love it:) The Outsiders was my first love too, but for the movie, never read the book *gasp*

  36. Big hair was the bomb!! The Outsiders still makes my heart flutter :)

  37. I love your wedding picture. Do you think the big hair will come back?

  38. Excellent first loves post! I was just a year in front of you graduating in the class of 81. I did my first first loves from preteen days but do I ever remember the things you mentioned. Big hair was the best and my hair was perfect for the big hair days, looks like yours was too. I'm a new follower :)

  39. You have great taste in books. :)

  40. Great movie. AWESOME book, it's one of my favorites, but it wasn't my first. Great choices :)

  41. Awesome loves... I had to read the Outsiders for school - pretty good book. Love your wedding photo... I had big hair in the 90s too:)

  42. Great first loves! That's amazing that you and your husband have been together for so long. Congratulations! And you were the bomb. :)

  43. I love the wedding photo! You guys looked great (big hair and all)! :)

  44. you two still look hot :)


  45. Hey Nancy you had sophisticated tastes in books. The Outsiders. Great choice! Sorry you couldn't recognise my firsts, but I knew yours!


  46. I never read The Outsiders, but enjoyed the movie in college! I remember that you married your high school sweetheart, and I love your wedding picture! I also think you haven't aged at all! Are you sure big hair is out? Julie

  47. Oh I bet your the object of many a boy/man's affection growing up! beautiful!

  48. You two are a great looking couple! I think you rocked the big hair. ;)

  49. Your hair is awesome. When you're 95, you're appreciate the thickness. It's a beautiful wedding pic, Nancy. And yes, Eric is definitely hot! I love Led Zeppelin too!

  50. How fun! You're the second person I've seen with THE OUTSIDERS as your favorite book. I haven't read it yet!

    And your hair is perfect! :)

  51. awww, so cute. I like the big hair!

  52. Wow - and I thought I was the '80s baby. You totally beat me. ;)
    Since you picked Fast Times...remember The Sure Thing? Or Sixteen Candles? Whatever happened to teen movies where people don't die??

  53. Sorry I'm late.
    Led Zeppelin. Excellent choice my friend.
    Your husband is really hot!
    Great photos!
    Great picks.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  54. Too fun! I love your wedding picture. I think that I should check out The Outsiders sometime.

    Hope that your week is going great!

    Kathy M.

  55. Hey Nancy,
    What a "whole lotta' love" in your posting :)
    And considering I used to have long hair, 'peach fuzz' sideburns and silly flared trousers, you wont get me laughing!
    All the best, Nancy and happy writing.

  56. Admit it, you'll take any excuse to post pictures of your husband in that Hard Rock shirt!

  57. Too many to write down!! And many I can't even properly remeber now. Oh dear, must get my memory banks working a bit better...

  58. Hey Nancy! I'm late to the first love's party, but here nonetheless. That wedding pic is too cute! And I am in full agreement with all your selections. I had a friend we called Spicoli cuz he was just like him. lol
    And Zeppelin is one of the best bands in the history of the world.

  59. Oh, I loved The Outsiders! Read it over and over. Can't wait for my kids to discover it.
