
Monday, June 11, 2012

Busy Girl!

It’s been a very busy time for me lately.  First, I had to deal with my edits.  Though I was very fortunate not to have that many, I still had a hard time with the few I did have.  That took time away from my blogging responsibilities, and so I apologize for being remiss with my reading and commenting over the last two weeks.  I was trying to get caught up when I received my proof from my publisher.  This is the PDF file formatted for printing 6 x 9 hard copies, and I needed to read it one last time for errors.  UGH! 

On top of all that writerly stuff, we have a big event in our family today, Monday June 11th.  My seventeen-year-old son is graduating high school!!  YAY!! 

Yeah, you’d think this was news to celebrate, but he doesn’t even want to attend his own graduation ceremony.  I do understand where he’s coming from.  He hasn’t been to class there for two years as he’s been attending the local college full-time since the beginning of his junior year.  Plus, he’s never been overly fond of the school or students.  Let’s just say we live in an upscale community full of equally upscale people and leave it at that.  But still, I’m his mother and I want to see him graduate, though I think having the ceremony at Safeco Field where the Seattle Mariners play major league baseball is a bit much.  But whatever.

Even though he graduates on Monday, he still has class at the college until Thursday June 14th.  Within two hours of his last final exam, he and I will jump on a plane and jet off to Phoenix, Arizona to attend his freshman orientation and class registration at ASU in Tempe.  Talk about an abrupt transition!  WHOA!!  

We are both very excited about this trip (though I'm not looking forward to the heat.)  Since he won’t be bringing his car down, I want to spend some time familiarizing him with the public transportation so, come Thanksgiving and Christmas, he can find his way from campus to Sky Harbor International Airport.  Lucky for us, Phoenix has a wonderful light rail system that’s connected to the ASU campus. 

Can you tell I’m not quite ready to let him go yet?  I have only two months to get my head on straight about releasing him into the big bad world.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled.  I’m just gonna miss the hell out of him.  And seriously, I do not know what his father is going to do once he leaves.  It’ll be a huge transition for all of us.

Anyway, since I have so much to do for graduation and the trip to Arizona, I won’t be around very much.  I’ll still have my phone and my tablet so I can troll the blogs in my down time, but I might be a bit scarce.  I’ll return on Tuesday of next week and hopefully get back to all my favorite bloggy friends.  

What are your plans for the summer?  Any big trips?
Have kids going off to college like I do?
Wanna hold my hand while I cry?

Oh, and if you’re on Goodreads, don’t forget to add my book,
The Mistaken, to your TBR list.  Thanks!!


  1. Sounds like you're really busy so don't worry about the blogging. We'll still be here.

    I'll be in your place in 3 years sending my daughter and only child off to college. I hope you'll share how to do it and let go. I'm kind of nervous.

  2. Aren't edits fun?
    Tell your son to go to his graduations. It will be the only time he gets into Safeco Field for free.
    And then - safe travels on Thursday!

  3. My GF still cries about her son being in college. Men will never know how tough it is on a mother.

    I'm glad your edits weren't too bad.

  4. Aww...congrats on your new graduate!
    This is my kiddo's last week of school too. No trips this summer--but lots of people visiting us. :)

  5. Congrats to your son! And getting the proof from the publisher is pretty exciting. I'm sure you'll not find any errors.

    My stepson is 17 too and he'll be off to college in September next year. He has special needs so it's a different kettle of fish, but it's hard for anyone. We're looking at colleges in England because there seems to be nowhere in Scotland that offers adequate provision - we never really anticipated him staying away from us, but he's really excited about it so that's the most important thing!

  6. I don't blame your son for not wanting to attend his high school graduation. If I had my way, I would have skipped mine (10 years ago now). Best of luck with the edits; I'm sure the book would turn out great afterwards. :)

  7. Wow -- you ARE a busy girl!

    Congratulations to your son on his graduation, and I do get where he's coming from. In many ways he already 'graduated' when he first started taking college classes. But the ceremony is still a chance to celebrate it in front of the people who love him, and it's only a one-time thing. Go and enjoy the moment!

    And best of luck to the soon-to-be empty-nesters! Once you get used to things like peace, quiet, food in your refrigerator, a lot less laundry, etc., it's actually kind of a fun time. It'll give you a chance to get reacquainted with your husband. ;^)

    Good luck with the edits, enjoy your travels, and see you when you get back!

  8. Graduation and all it entails are tough on parents. My daughter had her senior prom on Saturday. Today they're doing a 'senior walk' through the halls of school in caps and gowns, and tomorrow is her last day. She's doing okay, but I know one of her friends looks like she's in danger of coming apart at the seems. It's a wonderful time, but a hard one, too.

    Your son may not like his school or his classmates much, but I think it's good for him to take part in the ceremony. At least for you! Enjoy it.

  9. That must be an old photo of SafeCo field, because it looks like the Kingdome is still standing to the north of it!

    1. HA! You're right! I was just looking for a shot that showed how big The Safe is while also showing the city. DOH!

  10. Released my children years ago, but it wasn't easy. The flip side of that is if you look down deep inside you wouldn't want to cage your son. He will be happier flying.

    Can't wait to read The Mistaken. i love psycho thrillers.


  11. Aww, congratulations to your son! And have a great time in Arizona. I'm so jealous they have a light rail system.

  12. Wow! There are so many neat things going on for you and your family right now ... congratulations to all of you. Hope that your trip goes off without a hitch and that you enjoy yourselves very, very much.

    This summer for us? Well, we just bought a new 5th wheel and are planning on a bit of travel. Our big trip will be to Texas to watch our grandson play football at TCU (he is a freshman QB, so we hope that he will be getting some field time this year) but the trip should be a blast no matter what.


    Kathy M.

  13. Congrats on finishing your edits, whoot! And congrats to your son on graduating--do make him go, he'll treasure it later. (Maybe much later, but he will). With my two boys being so little still, I can only imagine what you're going through by way of letting go, but be brave!

    D'you know, I'm always slightly amused by us bloggers excusing our absences pretty much like we would at a formal workplace. Off you go and enjoy yourself, and rest assured we'll all still be here and love you when you come back.

    As for me, I'll be going to ground next week myself as it's the big family move and I won't have an Internet connection for about a week. I don't own any smartphones or tablets, so that's it for me: total radio silence. (And yes you guessed it... I will post on my blog excusing my absence, haw haw haw).

    Take care and see you soon, honey! Whoooooop!

  14. I didn't want to attend my graduation either, but on my mom's advice I did. Tell him congrats!

    My grandfather taught at ASU for many many years. It's a great place. Good luck on the transition.

  15. If you've raised him right, your son will be okay.

  16. i have been through that with my oldest son--he went away for college--but it wasn't so far, that he couldn't come home a lot--my youngest is looking into colleges now--she is a senior next year---good luck to you and your son!

  17. Wow, congrats to your son!! What an accomplishment--going to community college while still in h.s.:) Good for him! I'm virtually holding your hand, Nancy . . . have tears in my eyes for you. My oldest turns 12 this month and the past two years I had a huge cryfest over the fact that time is going way tooooooooo fast for me:( ~hugs

  18. Many congratulations to you and your son! Totally jealous of the minimal edits news, BTW. :)

  19. Hello, Nancy. New follower here. We've only just met, but I'll hold your hand. My 17 year old graduated last Thursday. He's staying local for now (Fresno State in Fresno, Ca. area), but thinks he'll transfer in two years. Our 14 year old graduated from junior high the week before, so we've been busy, too.
    Best of luck for both of you on the transition.


  20. This is all good news. My oldest will graduate next year. It's insane. I'm certainly not old enough for that. But graduation at Safeco field must be cool.

  21. I don't think parents ever wholly let go, and that's not a bad thing. Woot for the minimal edits!! And have a fabulous time.

  22. You're a busy bee! And with good reason(s). Congrats to your son - he has a brilliant future ahead of him. :)

  23. You've got your priorities. Sounds like you've got a smart son. Phoenix can get quite hot, but I guess it's not an absolutely horrible place to be.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  24. Congrats to you & the kiddo. He's a smart one; you guys did an amazing job!

    I can't believe that in 2 years my oldest will be graduating. It's weird. Especially since I don't feel my age lol ;-)

  25. Yay for your son! I can't believe you're going to have an empty nest. I can't even imagine. But at the same time it is so exciting!

  26. Busy is good! Very good. Don't worry about visiting others. Family always comes first.
    I didn't want to go to my graduation either. I hated that place.
    I think it's interesting that your son is leaving for college and mine is going into 2nd grade and I think I might be older than you. Ugh. I started way too late. I'm going to be ancient by the time my kid graduates high school!
    Best of luck with your travels. I'll be thinking of you and holding your hand!

  27. My oldest son is just about to finish grade ten, and I tell you, the idea of him graduating terrifies me. I am not even close to ready to let go. I know it's coming, though.

    I have been to Pheonix a few times now, and it's a really great city. I'm sure he will be very happy there. :)


  28. You sound very busy... and oh edits... I'm in edit land too... not much fun at all.

  29. Ha! Got your message on my blog. I'm only about a half dozen years behind you. I'll be OVER the half century by quite a few when my bundle of pain in the ass graduates high school.
    What the hell was I thinking?

  30. My goodness, you ARE busy! Congratulations to you and your son. Big moments in both of your lives :)

  31. Congratulations to you and your son. You've got a lot to be excited about! Have a fun and safe visit to the AZ! :)

  32. This is a very exciting time for you, Nancy. I remember it clearly as if it happened yesterday. Now, I'm watching their lives pass from the sidelines, it seems. That's not entirely true. It's just a different phrase. Hope yours goes off without a hitch. Thinking of you, and sending best wishes for a whole new adventure.

  33. WOW! It is all so very exciting. Congratulations with your son graduating. It is definitely something to be proud of. Good luck with all the edits for your book.

  34. I don't envy your last round of edits - every time I edit my own work, I feel the overwhelming need to change absolutely everything.
    Good luck!
