
Monday, October 15, 2012

Big Hugs to All of You!

This is it, guys, my big week, what I’ve been working toward for over two-and-a-half years now.  My novel, THE MISTAKEN, will finally be published.  And although my Amazon and Barnes & Noble buy links go live today*—AHHH, TODAY!!my blog tour doesn’t kick off until my actual launch day this Thursday, but I do have one thing I’d like to say right now. 

I want to—no—I need to express my profound thanks to all of you who have stuck with me, who have supported me through all my ups and downs, who have held my hand, helped me up, dusted me off, and pushed me back down the road on my journey to be published.

It’s very true that writing is a solitary profession, but only because the work itself is done within the confines of our own minds.  But with the exception of this, there really is nothing else solitary about it. 

I’ve worked in the design field for over twenty-five years now, in offices filled with people.  I’ve enjoyed relationships with those folks, gone out to lunch, had weekend barbeques, attended baby showers, what have you.  But as physically close as those relationships were, nothing really compares to the camaraderie I’ve found here, online, with my writer and blogger friends.  It is truly a fellowship, and I consider each of you my companion on this toughest of journeys. 

I want nothing more than to pay forward everything I’ve received from you, both as a group and as individuals.  I realize that might sound glib, but in my heart of hearts, I know it’s true.  I couldn’t have done it without you.  True, I might have created a product on my own, but I seriously do not think I could have taken it all the way to market without the generosity of this community.  So to each and every one of you, I offer my deepest, most sincere gratitude. 

I hope you come back Thursday for my launch, blog tour kickoff, and giveaway.  I’ll be posting a little something everyday, mostly just introductions to my hosts.  I know we’re all friends here, so I hope you go pay them a short visit, as well. 

First for today, a pre-launch post: I'm over at Shannon Lawrence's The Warrior Muse where I discuss my anti-hero.  Stop by and tell me what you think.

Here’s the list of my generous friends and hosts for my blog tour which kicks off on Thursday:

10/19:  Alex J. Cavanaugh &
10/23:  Julie Musil
10/30:  Lisa Regan
11/1:    Angela Peart &
11/19:  Arlee Bird’s Tossing It Out for a follow-up on my launch and tour.

I'll have another tour sponsored by my publisher with a slew of book reviewers.  That runs from November 29th through December 5th at Crossroad Reviews and Tours.  I hope to post links for that one on my Facebook page.  Please feel free to “friend” me any time!

*Here are the available buy links for THE MISTAKEN:

See you Thursday for my blog tour!


...on Wednesday, I'll be participating in the 
Did I Notice Your Book Blogfest
Hope to see you there, too!


  1. Congrats on your book! This must be the most exciting week ever!

  2. Ready to help you launch!
    That's how I feel about this community. I couldn't have done it without the support of my blogger buddies.

  3. Congratulations Nancy! I look forward to reading the book

  4. It must be an amazing feeling to finally get your book out into the real world. (: Congratulations Nancy!

  5. I can't believe I haven't followed your blog before. :) Lisa Regan loves you, so I know I'm going to like your book. Congratulations!!!

  6. Congratulations! I hope you're enjoying this (through the anxious, nervousness I'm sure you're feeling). It's hard work, and you should be very proud of yourself.

    I'm excited for you.

  7. I'm so happy for you, Nancy. Break a leg! And sell tons of books! And have fun! And don't stress too much.

    See you on Wednesday and every day of your tour.

  8. Enjoy the craziness that is debut week. I hope for many great reviews and big sales for you!

  9. Let the happy dance begin. Good luck.

  10. Be sure to enjoy yourself along the way. First releases only happen once.

  11. Wow, so exciting! Congratulations Nancy! Good luck with the launch. :)

  12. Congrats Nancy! I'm so excited for you! Julie

  13. See, I didn't discover the whole blogging thing until -after- I'd done everything on House, so I missed out on all the fellowship and support stuff. Congrats on your release!

  14. See, I didn't discover the whole blogging thing until -after- I'd done everything on House, so I missed out on all the fellowship and support stuff. Congrats on your release!

  15. I'm so excited your time is finally here! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! It has been an honor and a pleasure to be on this journey with you. I can't wait to hold The Mistaken in my hands and I can't wait for the rest of the world to see how awesome it is! yay!!!!

  16. LOL Did my blog just get turned into a reality show?

    "So, You're a Writer" + "So You Think You Can Dance" = "So You Think You're a Writer!"

    Sorry, I know it was a typo. I just keep snickering over here. Ignore me...

    I can't tell you how excited I am about your release. Honestly, I squeal every time I think about it. :D

  17. I completely agree that we are all friends here online in this great writing community.

    I'm so excited for you! Every time I think about you randomly during the day, I can't even stand it because you amaze me SO MUCH.

    Looking forward to this...really, I am!

    And let the party begin, Nancy! Your dream is coming true! Don't be afraid to take risks.

    *does a happy dance and hugs*

  18. Awesome Nancy!! Will give your book a shoutout on Friday. :D

  19. Congrats, Nancy! I hope it's everything you expected and more!

  20. Congrats, Nancy!! May the launch and the weeks that follow be a wonderful success!

  21. 'Sall good.

    You good peeps.



  22. good for you! and i saw you & Lisa had an awesome time at bouch!

    here's to your successful launch!

  23. Yay!! Congrats on the release. Probably one of the scariest, coolest, most exciting moments for an author. Enjoy it!

  24. Hi Nancy,

    On behalf of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star (now a superstar) and me, her mere human sidekick, I want you to know how proud and delighted we are for you.
    We have done our best to spread the news of your release, as in your book, via various social networks :)

    In kindness and much admiration, Gary and yes, lovable Penny...

  25. This is a lovely post. I wish you everything wonderful. As they say, you reap what you sow. Well done, Nancy.

  26. Congratulations, Nancy. You truly deserve life's every blessing. I'm putting my money where my mouth is and buying your book on Thursday! That's a promise, girl. I hope you rock the charts!

  27. The writing community we have here is nothing short of amazing. After all, it's how we found each other! xoxo

  28. Faster than a speeding bullet I downloaded to my Kindle and it will be next on my read list...I have found such good stuff to read from my bloggie friends so I am stoked to read and support your work...rock on Nancy!
