
Friday, October 26, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Seven

Okay, on the down slope now.  One more week to go.  Whew!    

For Day 7, I got to stretch my literary wings a bit over at LG Smith’s Bards and Prophets.  My topic there:  killing off major characters in a novel.  Shakespeare wasn’t afraid to do it, and neither was I.  LG—or Luann, as I’ve come to know her—is one of my long-time followers.  She’s been coming back to visit for nearly the entire two years I’ve been here on Blogger.  And this lady is whip-smart, like fine-literature-smart, which is why it was a stretch for me to write a post reflecting on similarities with the Immortal Bard, William Shakespeare, someone Luann holds in the highest esteem.  I sure hope I lived up to her standards.            

I know you won’t forget, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

For Day 8 tomorrow—yes, that's a Saturday—I’ll be over at Aimee Jodoin’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman for yet another interview.  I hope you’re not getting too tired of me.


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

Are you as well read in classic literature as the lovely LG Smith?  


  1. LG usually doesn't post until between 7:30-8:30, so I will check back then!

  2. You did a fantastic post! Bard approved. :)

  3. Heading over there now, Nancy. I'm having a great time on your tour. Thanks!

  4. I found your interview at LG's. Congrats on your book release!

  5. Man, that's like a spoiler! Bah!

    @Alex: You even know when people post? I don't know whether that's cool or freaky :P

  6. On my way! And woo hoo! You're almost done :)

  7. Sorry, it took me so long to visit. I've been busy and went to see Cloud Atlas today so yeah, I'm late. Don't know how I managed to be late for this party.

    Great guest post! And you're almost done - woohoo and you've made it! Still so happy for you! Congrats again! :)

  8. Cup of coffee in hand... now I'm off to L.G's place-----------
