
Friday, October 19, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Two

Man, I can’t believe all the love and support I’ve received already for the release of my debut novel, THE MISTAKEN.  Thank you all so very much!  It’s been a humbling experience, and I’ve only just begun. 

Hang on tight.  Today we have two stops on the tour, both very popular.  First, a guest post over at Alex J. Cavanaugh’s then a bit of S.S.P. over at Arlee Bird’s Tossing It Out

Alex was one of the very first blogger-writers I ever met, and I simply cannot say enough good things about the man.  If I tried, this post would at least 5000 words, and then some.  He’s easily the most generous person I know, devoting all of his blogging time to the promotion of others.  He’s helped me more on my tour than anyone, giving me advice at every turn.  He even blurbed my book!  Trust me, if you want to make it in the blogosphere, get to know Alex.  He is the absolute BEST!  Which is why I'm always crushing on the guy. (I'd blush but I'm not at all embarrassed.  Alex knows I love him.)

Arlee Bird is a prolific writer with a slew of blogs, the most popular of which are Tossing It Out and The A to Z Challenge.  Benevolent to a fault, he constantly hosts other writers and bloggers to guest post on his sites.  He was extraordinarily attentive to me even as he was going through a family tragedy.  He's a good soul.  And if you’ve never participated in the A to Z, you don’t what you’re missing.  Boy, do I have the best friends or what?!  Check them out today!      

And don’t forget, every follower who comments here over the next two weeks will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Monday, Day 3 at Carrie Butler’s So You Think You’re a Writer, a psychiatric interview with my protagonist, Tyler Karras, and an interview with me over at Jeff O’Handley’s The Doubting Writer.  Please stop by and leave a comment.


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

The Mistaken Blog Tour:

Did you stop by Mark’s yesterday?  Are you friends with Alex or Arlee?  Aren't I surrounded by the best men?  Oh yeah!


  1. Now you're going make ME blush!
    Just happy to help a dear friend. I know where you're going and you will enjoy the ride - and I'm sure you'll shoot far beyond your wildest dreams.

  2. You are definitely surrounded by terrific men, Nancy.
    I am so happy and proud and thrilled about your book. It must be like a dream come true! Enjoy the moment, revel in it, eat something delicious and thrill in the knowledge that you are living your dream.

    BIg hugs and kudos and congratulations to you!

  3. Congratulations on your release!! The Mistaken sounds awesome and I can't wait to read it. And you are surrounded by amazing men, no question! :D

  4. Alex and Lee are both so giving. Congrats again on your book.

  5. Congratulations Nancy! I agree that Alex and Arlee are awesome blog friends, and supportive at every turn!

  6. I just want you and Alex to meet and have dinner - the friendship is clearly strong. I wish you so much luck on this blog tour and with the sell of your book.

  7. What an exciting time for you, Nancy. And your blog looks spectacular!

  8. Can't wait to see it!

  9. Congrats Nancy!
    I am going to purchase a paperback copy...

  10. Alex is cute, but while blushing, he's absolutely disarming. I hear your excitement, Nancy. Go get em!

  11. I just stopped by Alex's blog. Good luck with your new release and your blog tour. I'll upload an image of your book as Author of the Week to end this month.

    Off to download your book. I'll get started on it next week after I wrap up a couple books I'm currently reading.

  12. I'm so looking forward to this book!

  13. Congrats on your new release. That's so exciting and The Mistaken sounds like such a good read!

  14. Caught you on Alex's and Lee's today. Good luck with the rest of the tour.

  15. Yes, yes, Nancy you're surrounded by awesome men! Yep, I visited Mark's yesterday - plan to visit everyone on the tour! Can't miss this's so fun to celebrate with you!

    Alex is awesome! He has a heart of gold and is dedicated to other writers. He continues and\or helps with writing journeys like no other writer I know via the blogosphere! Alex is the man! Alex is quite a friend to have and I'm glad that us, blogging writers are getting to know him OR know him! :)

    Congratulations, again! I'm still more than happy for ya, Nancy! Unbelievable! You're making me have hope for my writing journey: if YOU can get published, then can I with the uttermost determination and devotion. You are an amazing woman, Nancy and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I'm so glad I've met you via the blogosphere!

    The party continues...

  16. Hey Nancy,

    And thus, your "The Mistaken" blog tour, continues. I guess, being such a nice guy, I shall wander from blog to blog and attempt to leave one of my um eagerly anticipated comments.

    You should have your blog tour printed up on t-shirts!

    Your starstruck fan, Gary :)

  17. Thank you all so very, very much. I am truly humbled and most grateful for all the love and support. It's been quite a day, indeed!

  18. Alex IS terrific!
    Congratulations on your book! I can't wait to read it! It sounds just up my alley.

  19. Congratulations on the release! The Mistaken sounds awesome!

  20. Congrats Nancy! Best of luck with The Mistaken! The reviews look great and I can't wait to read it! Julie

  21. Congratulations on the book release, Nancy!!! I'm SOOOOOO happy for you!!!! I wish you fabulous, tremendous, outstanding, and exceed-all-your-wildest-dreams success with it!!!

  22. I'm still in awe of how beautiful this blog is with the red and black and fiery orange.
    I'm off to visit Alex, and I have to agree, there are some amazing dudes out here in the blogosphere.

    Your journey with this story really inspires me!

  23. Congratulations on your book. I hope you enjoy every moment of the new experience, as you truly deserve it.

  24. Hehehehe you have an awesome blogtour list. :-D

    I'd like to think I'm friends with Lee and Alex.

  25. Your book sounds awesome! I wish you all the best with it. Alex is pretty awesome! He said to give you a hug, so here you go: HUG!

  26. The Mistaken sounds fantastic! I love the striking, eye-catching cover and have added it to my to-read list in a hurry. I shall continue to follow your blog tour and read posts on other blogs. Thank you for this amazing giveaway, and i would like to wish you all the very best with the promotion of your book - it sounds brilliant! x

    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk
    *New* GFC Follower: lfountain1
    (Image is a Dragon)
