
Monday, December 10, 2012

Cheers, Cavanaugh Blogfest!

Welcome to the Cheers, Cavanaugh Blogfest.

Here’s the lowdown:

Have you ever attended a holiday party where you bump into the one person who's always been there for you throughout the last year? You’d want to thank them for being incredibly stellar, right? If there’s one person in the Blogosphere who you would want to say cheers to, who would it be?

For us, it was a no-brainer - Alex “no hyperlink needed” Cavanaugh!

Without being asked, Alex has become a blogging enigma, always helping hundreds of his fellow authors by announcing book releases, hosting guest posts, guest interviews and always leaving positive comments. We can’t have a live party for the Ninja Captain, but we can host a yuletide BlogFest!

Hosted by Mark KoopmansMorgan ShamyDavid Powers King and Stephen Tremp, this blogfest will run from December 10 - 12!

On those days, answer these four questions as creatively as you'd like:

·        In +/- 20 words, what does Alex look like?
·        In +/- 20 words, who could play Alex in a documentary (living or dead)?
·        In +/- 20 words, who does Alex remind you of?
·        In +/- 100 words, (excluding the title) write flash fiction using all these prompts:  Cavanaugh, Ninja, IWGS, Cosbolt, guitar

Here are the rules:

·        Be a Follower
·        Join the Linky List
·        Post your 200 word contribution       
·        Have fun?

I chose to write my entire tribute below as a piece of flash fiction, clocking in at 199 words.
Interpret it as you will.  I just hope you enjoy it, Alex.  Thanks for all you do!  XOXO
~ Nancy

Your Pain is Self-Chosen

A single light shone down onto the darkened seven-inch high platform The Cosbolt referred to as a stage.  A narrow triangle of smoke-filled air glowed above a lone performer’s head.  He sat on a wooden stool, one foot propped up, a guitar slung across his knee.  His chin lowered, his short, dark hair glistened like a halo.  As he raised his hazel eyes to the black space before him, his broad shoulders lifted, and he drew in a measured breath. 

Silence surrendered to gentle strums of the metal strings and soft vibrato of Cavanaugh’s recorded voice, a perfect rendition of Layne Staley’s Nutshell.  His gaze held firm to the dark form of the actress playing his wife, sitting four feet away at a small round table.  A knowing smile split her ruby-red lips and a flash of white dazzled the music ninja as the lyrics trailed away and the music ebbed. 

He mouthed I love you before the light above faded.  The hushed crowd, still cocooned in darkness, erupted into untamed applause and howls of admiration.  Spotlights flickered on, illuminating the red IWSG banner behind the stage.

The director yelled, “Cut!  Thanks, Mr. Jackman.  You’ve done Alex proud!”  



  1. I loved your creative take on this Nancy! The surprise ending was great, and I could picture the multi-talented Hugh Jackman playing Alex! Julie

  2. Great idea to simply build all of it into there! I love the strumming :)

  3. How stinkin' creative are you? I love it! :D

  4. Bravo Nancy! Love the creative spin on your entry...

  5. Hey,

    Nice job getting the lot in there and suh-weet how you set it up to where Alex looks like some dude called Jack Man.

    (Is he like a famous guitarist?)


  6. Great job Nancy, I think you did Alex proud!

  7. cool seen & another hugh jackman, excellent!

  8. Yes, I can totally see Alex now :)

  9. Bonus points for Jackman!
    Nancy, that was truly awesome. My wife will be really pleased with that story.
    Thanks so much for being an awesome friend.

  10. Ha! That was great! Well put together!
    Alex is a lucky guy today!

  11. Ha! Awesome. Jackman as Alex. Who on earth could resist that? Loved your entry. :)

  12. Ninja-Awesome! And soooo romantic. I'm "ahhhing" all day long, I'm thinking.

  13. Of course! Hugh Jackman. :) Perfect.
    Loved the Flash Fiction, and how the beautiful setting drew me in.
    Cheers to the amazing Alex!

  14. Fantastic way to meet the challenge, Nancy!

  15. Great job putting it all there in one piece of flash fiction. Very creative!

  16. Such a creative spin! I think Alex will like it!

  17. Haha! I was thinking of Hugh Jackman as well! Great flash fiction.

  18. Oooo... lovely piece, Nancy. You know how to immerse the reader right in, don't you? Loved it. :D

  19. I love the song Nutshell and could hear it in my head the whole time I was reading. Great flash fiction and such a creative take on the blogfest!

  20. I think it's awesome that you combined all your answers, Nancy. Very creative!

  21. Hugh Jackman as Alex. Nice flash fiction :)

  22. OMG! I really enjoyed you piece. What a nice way to describe Alex. Love it!

  23. This was fantastic!!!

  24. I love your writing style in this flash fiction piece. Very descriptive!

  25. Sweet! Loved the story, and Jackman . . .nice choice. :-)

  26. Hugh Jackman is a popular choice for Alex. Do you think Alex has sideburns?

  27. Magnificent flash piece. Really well written and what atmosphere!

  28. Wonderful flash fiction piece, Nancy! I love our Ninja Captain Alex! There will be NO ONE like him and we don't even know what he looks like. Cheers to you Alex!

  29. Well done Nancy. The elements flowed smoothly.


  30. Yummy - Hugh Jackman. You tied it altogether so well in the flash piece, Nancy. Well done!

  31. w00t w00t! Nice! Wolverine as Alex... Nicely played!

  32. Jackman as a sexy Alex. Nice idea. And, serenading your significant other - another nice touch.

    Nice flash fiction.
