
Monday, December 31, 2012


It’s the last day of 2012, so I’m gonna try to keep this brief...

First, make sure you come back on Wednesday for Alex J Cavanaugh’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group.  I’m gonna post something positive this time around.  *GASP!*

Second, you have until January 2nd to enter the Innovative Online Book Tours Giveaway for one of 5 free e-book copies of The Mistaken.  Just click here and scroll down for the Rafflecopter entry.

Third, if you enjoy reviewing for book tours, visit the Partners In Crime Book Tours page for The Mistaken and email Gina to participate in my tour in March.  I’d love to have you along and read what you think of my book!

Finally, in the last few days, I’ve received a bit of critical acclaim for The Mistaken, both on Amazon and Goodreads, from friends and strangers alike.  Here’s a refreshing yet somewhat brutal 5-star review from Michael Offutt, plus a few from other Amazon Top Reviewers like Simone Lilly-Egerter, Wendy Hines, Gaele, Vickie A. DoldAnallee, as well as Pam Wyse and Colin Waugh

Ratings and reviews are exceptionally beneficial to authors and the sales of their books, so if you’ve purchased The Mistaken, I’d love to hear your opinion.  You don’t have to be nice, just honest!

For all my author friends who've rated or reviewed for me, I will return the favor.  It's quite the list and I'm a slow reader who's also an author with lots of marketing to do, so please be patient.  But I will get there.  Promise!

That’s it for 2012.  Thank you all for your support during one of the single most exciting years of my life!  May 2013 bring you all happiness, good health, and the answer to all your prayers.  God bless and…      



  1. Happy New Year, Nancy! I hope 2013 makes all your author dreams come true!

  2. Happy New Year Nancy! 2012? What's that?

  3. A 'brutal' five-star review? I'm going to have to check this out! Happy New Year, Nancy!

  4. A brutal five-star review? That doesn't seem fair.
    Glad you've had some great reviews, Nancy. Still honored mine was included in the book. Short and all!
    Have an awesome New Year and I'll be looking for a positive post on Monday.

  5. May The Mistaken EXPLODE this year! Thank you for all you've done for me this year! I could not do any of this without you! Happy New Year!

  6. It's on my list; I'm just not sure how soon I'll get to it.

  7. What a successful year you've had, Nancy. Fills me with joy to cheer on an author's success. Best to you in 2013 and continued great reviews!

  8. Happy New year. And brutal reviews are great (if breath-taking!) because they mean someone read your book and really thought about it. I'm hoping 2013 brings a lot of awesome to the table.

  9. Happy New Year! I've been so busy getting ready for the release of my debut novel, but I promise yours is on my TBR list! Brutal 5 Star Review, aye? I'm curious . . . I hope there's no spoliers~Cheers!!

  10. All of my book reviews are awesome. Everyone else just writes "blah blah I liked the writing blah blah."

    I always point out stuff that people are like..." Mike insane?"

    1. I totally enjoyed your review. It was honest & forthright. I don't agree about the telling part. That scene was graphically shown. But I don't care. I appreciate your review for what it was. Those are the best. Do thank you!

  11. I'm so glad Mistaken is doing well, Nancy. I'm sorry I haven't read it yet. But when I do, I'll have a review posted asap. Happy New Year!

  12. Nancy, you know I think the book was great. The best part was I didn't try to over analyze it...I just immersed and enjoyed.

    Here's to a great New Year and looking forward to your next book!


    PS. I do agree it would make a great movie.

  13. I'm a slow reader, too. Now I don't feel so bad. Haha. I'm just starting your book, so I'm excited. Happy New Year! :)

  14. you've had a fabulous year! heres to another!

  15. Nice on Michael's review. I've got my copy of your book, and I'm waiting for it to come to the top of my to-read list..

    Happy New Year!

  16. Although I've no doubt 2012 will pale in comparison to 2013, congratulations on all your successes this past year. The best is yet to come.

    Happy New Year, Nancy!

    ~VR Barkowski

  17. It is so unfortunate that writers have to resort to writing being their second job. I guess writers cannot depend on the sale of their books to survive anymore. In spite of some bad deals with publishers people are still writing which is very good for readers.
    I wish you the best when it comes to having a lot of readers. Please keep writing - - - money or not so much money, at least you will feel good that your words are out.
