
Monday, January 28, 2013

Please, Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself Blogfest, An Interview, A Giveaway, and an Incredible Review

Today, I’m participating in Mark KoopmansElise Fallson, C.M. Brown, and Stephen Tremp’s
where Stephen suggests we take a moment and re-introduce ourselves to the world.

In years past, I typically spent the last few minutes before I dropped off to sleep fantasizing about…well, just…stuff, really.  Making up little dramas in my head, motivating a dream, you might say.  But I never imagined myself to be a writer. 

Then an idea wriggled into my brain one day in 2010, inspired by a song, and from that moment on, I was obsessed.  I wrote an outline, a first draft, really, handwritten in a notebook.  Then I typed it out, titled it The Mistaken, got busy revising, did all the things a writer was supposed to do if she wanted to get published, like find critique partners, set up a blog, query widely, and make a book trailer (thanks to Carrie Butler!)

I suffered a lot of rejection, but I never gave up.  I learned instead, from other writers, authors, agents, whoever had a bit of advice.  I read it and I took it.  And then I found a home for my book, at Sapphire Star Publishing.  It’s not exactly what I thought it would be, but I’m making steady progress.  

In the mean time, I’m still working as an interior designer, barely, but I also took a job as a book editor with my publisher.  So, that’s me…

Who are you?  Please, re-introduce yourself!

Also today, I’m over at Maine Words where Marcy Hatch is conducting a little interview.  We’d both love it if you’d drop on by and leave a comment.

Next, in case you missed it, if you're a writer in need of a little social media marketing savvy, scroll down to the post below this or click here for my review on Social Media Just Writers for Writers – The Best Online Marketing Tips for Selling Your Books by Frances Caballo.  It's chock full of invaluable information on using popular social media platforms as marketing tools and it's tailored especially for writers.

Finally, last Monday, a book blogger posted a review of my book on Goodreads and Amazon, with pictures and everything, at least on Goodreads.  

Now, I’ve had my share of good reviews, but this one knocked it out of the park.
I’m thinking she liked it.  Check it out and tell me what you think.  She even made a pretty picture with a quote from my book.  

 Pretty cool, huh?


  1. You packed in more than I do in a post!
    Glad you didn't give up. Keep writing, because I want to read the next book. (Even if you do continue to torture poor Ty.)
    And that final image is so true.

  2. Pleased to meet you Nancy, you certainly have an interesting post which I enjoyed reading.
    Hope you get plenty of comments.


  3. So happy to re-meet you, Nancy! What a story - having that idea and then working so incredibly hard to see it through to reality. Big congratulations!!!!

  4. Geez you made becoming an author sound easy. hehe. Hey, what can you say, when you have an amazing story, you get amazing results!

  5. Never Give up! Good things will happen to those who perservere. Good luck with The Mistaken and whatever else you have in the pipeline.

  6. Great learning more about you and how you became a writer, Nancy.

  7. Awesome review and...crafts? I'd say you made a big impression, congratulations!

  8. Nice to meet you - again :)
    And congrats on the fabulous review!

  9. Well done! I like meeting you ... again!

    You're doing a great job, Nancy. Hold on.
    Keep writing!

    Thanks for sharing with us.

  10. I loved the Mistaken. I had to pop in to see if (in your re-introduction) you'd tell me something I already didn't know about you.

  11. So glad you didn't give up so I got to read The Mistaken! Can't wait for your next book.
    And that book blogger is totally awesome! I can't imagine how thrilled you must have been to see that, how wonderful.

  12. That is pretty cool. Can't ask for a better fan than that!

  13. Nice to re meet you! Good for you for persevering, that's a lesson to us all!

  14. Wow. I wish a few readers like that would find my book. Super duper.

  15. Hi Nancy! Nice to re-meet you. I've had your book on my list to read and hopefully will get to it soon. I've heard so many good things about it. So glad you stuck with it, persevered and never gave up. And it must be a great feeling reading such a positive review! Awesome. :)

  16. Hi Nancy.
    It sounds like you simply sailed through the entire process from wannabe-writer to published author. In reality, I suppose that's very far from the truth.
    I can't wait to get stuck into your book!

  17. Pleasure to re-meet you, Nancy! Maybe someday you can sign my copy of The Mistaken... ;)

    P.S. Thanks for the shout-out!

  18. Cool that a fan posted pictures and everything. Days like that make it all worthwhile. Yes?

  19. Wow! I'd say that book blogger is a big fan. :) If we could all have 1,000 more like her...

  20. Very cool, Nancy. You've indeed worked fast. Thanks for the links.

  21. Glad you didn't give up and found a home for The Mistaken. :)

  22. Hi Nancy,

    And beyond the rejection, you held onto your dream. Your love, your passion for the magic of the written word, beat in your heart and soul.

    Nancy, you inspire and may your determination and resilience shine a light on those who thought of giving up.


  23. That is one heck of a review! Congrats! How great that she went to the length of including pictures.

    Having just finished The Mistaken I can't believe it's your first book! But I know you worked incredibly hard on it and it's paid off. Now I'm on tenterhooks for the follow-up - no pressure? :)

  24. Happy to get to know a bit more about you. :) I always think a lot before I fall asleep. Sometimes too long and it cuts into sleeping time!

  25. What a great post! And how cool is it that someone took the time out to do something extra special for a review:-) I'm gonna scroll down for those tips now!

  26. Congrats on your position with SP. :D

  27. That's a great picture and a great way of the reader showing how much she/he enjoyed the book! :)

  28. Well I commented on your comment on my site but I will say it again here...I am really glad we crossed paths at the last A-Z. I love your writing and found The Mistaken really awesome. You do have talent!

    I even entered for a signed copy because that would be too cool. If I win, it will go on the shelf right next to the signed copy of CassaStar I won from Alex. How great would that be!!

    I enjoy your site Nancy and I appreciate all your visits to mine!

  29. Hey, Nancy!

    It's great to meet you! And in a way, it's sort of eerie how much we have in common. I wrote the first draft of my debut novel, obsessively, in notebooks, and it took me four years to get pubbed. Looking back, four years isn't that long, but at the time, I was always one rejection away from giving up. I'm glad I kept going and happy you did too! I look forward to reading more of your posts. :)

  30. It took me way too long to discover that those snippets of daydreams in my head could grow into stories one day, if I just wrote them down!
    Thank you for sharing how you came to find writing. And congrats on the great review!

  31. This writing life rarely does seem to work out the way people hope and expect. As you say, the key is to just keep on keeping on. Enjoyed your post, Nancy, and I'm looking forward to more.

  32. HI, Nancy,

    Congrats on the GREAT review!

    Well we have something huge in common... we are both Interior designers! And from you comment I am guessing business is slow? A sign of the times unfortunately. My business dropped considerably in 2009... That is what inspired me to write my first novel. TOO much time on my hands. But it was a blessing for I discovered my new talent AND this wonderful community!

  33. It is great to get to know a little more about you Nancy.

  34. Awesome! Now that's the kind of review every writer dreams of. Congrats!!!

  35. Nice to meet you, Nancy. Our mental wanderings do take us all over the place.

  36. so glad you didnt' give up. And now you're a book editor, too! love it!

  37. Wow! I would love to be a book editor. What an inspiring story.

    Nice to meet you.

  38. I'm so happy for you, Nancy. A good review is really a wonderful thing. Congrats!

  39. Glad you've been getting great reviews! Thanks for the reminder that I shouldn't give up :)

  40. Excellent review and what a wonderful post! Enjoyed it and all the links.

    Nice to meet you!

  41. Excellent re-introduction post Nancy. This was interesting to read. And congrats on all the excellent reviews.


  42. i think she kinda liked it too... :D i'm so clicking for the book!!!!

  43. Oh, wow. That's amazing, Nancy. Gave me shivers.

    Of course, that one picture is pretty ghastly. lol

  44. I don't think you want me to re-introduce myself right about now. Hah hah hah. That review was amazing and like I said, your book has so many good quotes to pull! That is really awesome!

  45. Hi Nancy, nice to meet you. I've had your book on my Goodreads wishlist for a while now, it sounds awesome! Congratulations on your success and on that great review. Also thanks for the giveaway.

  46. It's great to learn more about you and how you became a writer.

  47. Hi Nancy, so glad to have found your blog, I am looking forward to reading more and getting to know you better.


  48. I love inspirational stories. Glad Mistaken has found you in a song:)
