
Monday, February 18, 2013

My 200th Post!

Today is my 200th post!

I remember when I started blogging 2 years ago, how I had no followers, no one who was interested in a thing I had to say, nobody I’d connected with.  I was just a newbie writer with an untidy manuscript, big dreams, and very little knowledge.

Today, I’ve achieved my dream of being traditionally published and  have managed to learn way more than I thought possible, I have 1000 folks a week who are interested enough to drop by (though I’ve no idea why), I have a combined 572 followers but have connected with thousands of others, mostly writers and authors. 

I definitely feel like I’ve accomplished something.  And if nothing else, I’ve made some meaningful friendships, some which go beyond this blog.

Still, after the Re-introduce Myself Blogfest, I had quite a few people say they wished I’d shared more personal information.  Well, I’m not adverse to that, so here are a few tidbits you might not know:

  • I just had my first live radio interview last Saturday on LA Talk Radio.  You can listen to it using the tab at the top of my blog or by clicking here.  I had a good time and no one could ever accuse me of not having anything to say!

  • I love to watch TV (Revenge, Scandal, Suits.)  My guilty pleasure is Spartacus.  I hate all sitcoms except Modern Family.

  • I play classical piano.

  • I’ve spent the last 25 years raising sled dogs (Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes.)

  • I first met my husband 31 years ago when he was 15 and I was 17.  When we got together a year later, it was a huge scandal. 

  • We have a 28-year-old daughter who was adopted privately (you can read more about that here,) and an 18-year-old son, now in college. 

  • I taught my son to read before he turned 3 years old.

  • I’ve lived all over the USPittsburgh, Cincinnati, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, Colorado Springs, Waikiki, the Bay Area, and Seattle’s Eastside.

  • I’m an interior designer, but I don’t decorate.  I work on the technical side, using CADD to produce working drawings and construction documents.  I’m also an architect.

  • I used to sing competitively.

  • I’m the classic Catholic combination of half Irish and half Italian, so don’t piss me off!

  • I have OCD with “pathologic grooming behaviors” and an obsession with even numbers.

  • I love fast high-performance sports cars, BMWs mostly

  • I seem to get along with men much better than with women.

  • I love to ski but am too afraid after busting my ankle up years ago.

  • The Mistaken just listed at #79 on Amazon’s Top Rated in Romantic Suspense based on customer reviews!   Check it out!  

After 5+ years, I’m finally starting to get back on my feet financially, but, with a kid in college, I still don’t have the disposable income to give away Amazon gift cards.  I can, however, give away free copies of my ebook as a way of celebrating my 200th post. 

So, if you’re interested, let me know in the comments below before midnight 2/25, and I’ll enter your name into a raffle. Using, I’ll pick 5 interested winners and post their names next week.

And thanks for your support over the last 2+ years and 200 posts!

Two more quick notes:

I’m always looking for bloggers to review The Mistaken. If you’re a blogger or book reviewer, there are still a few slots open at the end of March for my Partners In Crime Book Tour.  This is a popular book tour company, so if you’re looking for a little exposure for your blog, feel free to sign up using the link above or by emailing  She’ll send you a free copy of my book and ask you to choose a date to post a review. 

Lastly, it’s time for another W4WS (Writers for Writers) campaign.  This month’s featured authors are Gwen Gardner and Melissa Bradley.  Drop by their blogs today or tomorrow, grab a tweet or two, and post them to your Twitter account with the #W4WS hashtag, and help make readers aware of their books by sharing their links.    



  1. Congrats on your 200th! Raising sled dogs sounds like fun - and work. LOl! I get along better with men too or people old enough to be my mother or kids. Hmm... I wonder what that means....

  2. 200! Woot! Woot!

    And, now, I'm going to bed, or I'd have more to say.

  3. Congratulations.

    Never knew you had such an interesting life!


  4. Congratulations!
    Wow, you really told some stuff...

  5. Congrats on 200 posts! And loved learning more about you. I'm an adoptive mom too!

  6. Congratulations on 200, Nancy! Off to listen to your interview....

  7. Well, no one can say you don't have an interesting life! Well done.
    And congrats on 200 posts. It's a lot of work.
    So glad to hear the book is doing so well!
    Keep enjoying the glow!

  8. Big time congrats on 200 posts...that's awesome!

    Sounds like you've had a pretty eventful life...even if you -did- live in Cincinnati. I can say that because I used to live in the area, myself :)

    I'd also be interested in the book raffle, sounds fun.

  9. Huge congratulations, Nancy, that's an amazing achievement and thanks so much for sharing all those facts about you. Congrats on the Radio Interview too, that's awesome. I won't ask to enter the giveaway as I've already got (and enjoyed!)The Mistaken, but write on fast so I can read your next book! XXX

  10. Congrats, Nancy, not only on your 200th post, but also on your#79 ranking! That's super impressive! You've got quite the resume. I'm always amazed at the amount of talent that can be stuffed into one person, lol. At any rate, your post has inspired me. On some days,being a newbie blogger feels worse than getting picked last for dodge ball (which hasn't happened in years, but I still remember :P) So, it's nice to hear it gets better. Thanks! Oh, and I'd love a chance to win your book. :)

  11. Congrats on making #79! Those are great facts! I have a really nice piano (inherited) but I only play a few songs. I have delusions of singing opera.

  12. Congrats on 200 posts. And your first radio interview. They're fun, aren't they?

  13. Congratulations on everything, Nancy. That's really fantastic!
    Oh, as to your personal information, you forgot to add,
    "Regularly beats the snot out of Al Penwasser in 'Words With Friends'."
    I'm not worthy.

  14. Congrats! on the 200 blog posts. And its great to know you a little better. Classical piano has always been a desire for me. I need to get back into it and take lessons.

    I'll listen to the interview later today.

  15. YAY for 200 posts! I enjoyed those juicy tidbits about you sooo much . . . just when I thought there's no way you could be any cooler you prove me wrong once again!! The blogging world wouldn't be the same without you <3

  16. Congratulations, Nancy! I'm listening to your interview now... :)

  17. I'm afraid to ski and I've never busted an ankle. :P

    Congrats on your 200th post. I'm glad you shared some things about yourself. We tend to put our best selves out there for others to see. The down side to that is we look at others and think everyone has it better than we do. But everyone has their stuff, ya know?

    After reading this, you're more real to me now, and I like you just as much. Maybe better. :)

  18. Wow, congrats!!! I listened to some of your interview. That's really neat how you came up with the idea :) I wouild love to read your book, but I'm so busy for the next couple of months. I will put it on my TBR list though!

  19. Congratulations on your 200th post Nancy. You certainly have shown us all how it should and can be done.

    We have both Pittsburgh and Colorado in common. :)

  20. Happy 200!

    You're a really neat person, Nancy. I always knew that, but all these other little things are neat to know.

  21. Woohoo, Nancy! Happy 200th Post birthday. That's awesome. Loved reading that stuff about you. You lived in the Springs, too? I loved Colorado though we only lived there 18 months a bazillion years ago. The recent fires in the Spring broke my heart.

  22. Congrats on your 200th post and thanks for mentioning W4Ws!

  23. Isn't it amazing how your life can change from going online and connecting with a handful of like-minded people. Two hundred posts later you've connected with thousands and published a novel. Amazing. Congrats!

  24. Wow! Congratulations on everything, Nancy. How far you've come, right? Here's to bigger and better milestones in the future. *raises glass*


  25. Hey Nancy,

    Just listened to your good self and how calm and composed you seemed. I know how nerve-racking it can be being interviewed. I'm very proud of you.

    And here you are at post 200 and have been within this community for around 2 years. You will inspire those who may think what's the point. You, my dear friend, are testimony that the passion of the written word beats within your heart and soul.

    Great stuff, Nancy!

    Your grateful friend,

    Gary :)

  26. Congratulations on your 200th, Nancy! What a wild, wonderful couple of years! I so envy your musical skills. The only things I can play are my iPod and the satellite radio in our car.

    ~VR Barkowski

  27. It's a brave thing to put yourself out there, Nancy. I feel like I know you a little better now. Your bravery is contagious. A few of your comments fit me, and that makes me smile. Bravo on all your success. You've accomplished a lot in such a short period of time.

  28. I love the tidbits and am totally making you sing to me the next time we see each other in person! :)

    Congrats on your 200th post! Very exciting!

  29. Congratulations on all your success, especially with THE MISTAKEN!

    Love reading success stories.

  30. Congrats on your 200th post and 500+ followers, what an achievement :)

  31. Great news that you were on the radio, and that The Mistaken is doing so well! I'd love to hear more about your competitive singing days! Looking forward to the next 200!
