
Monday, March 18, 2013

Top Ten Movie Blogfest!

This is a list of my top ten favorite movies, ones I continue to watch over and over again.

 Why?  It’s smart, very old Hollywood, Kevin Spacey is awesome, and it has a young Russell Crowe

#9 - Gladiator

Why?  Well-plotted, scripted, and acted.  And again, Russell Crowe when he still looked good.

Why?  Written by Aaron Sorkin.  Need I say more?

Why?  Very Original, Arnold is badass,and I kinda dig a young Michael Biehn

#6 – The Pianist

Why?  Incredibly moving, wonderful music, well-acted & scripted.  And, duh!  Adrien Brody!

#5 – The Departed

Why?  Shocking!  Very Smart and incredibly well-plotted.  Plus, Leo was awesome!

#4 - Inception

Why?  Because, damn!  Talk about well-plotted.  Who could possibly think up that $hit?

Why?  A great thrill ride!  Robert Ludlum at his best!

#2 – Forrest Gump

Why?  Very smart and well-written, not to mention Tom Hanks' performance.  Wow!

Why?  Uh, hello!  It’s Jane Austen, man!  And Matthew Macfadyen is yummy.

Honorable Mention – A Perfect Murder

Why?  Michael Douglas as the bad guy and Viggo Mortensen is scrumptious!
And it’s a great revenge story gone wrong, and you know how I love those!

What're your favorite flicks?


  1. Pride and Prejudice and Jane Austen in general will always be my favorite ... don't you rather prefer Collin Firth as Mister Darcy>>? Yuumm

  2. Some very cool movies on your list. Inception was really good.

  3. A couple I have not seen. Agree about Inception!
    ~Naila Moon
    ~Naila Moon

  4. Love the Bourne movies. Forrest Gump made my list, too.

  5. Wow! Terminator! And I also loved the Inception, however I didn't put into my list.

  6. Loved seeing your choices. Forest Gump and Pride and Prejudice were great.

  7. Gladiator... great choice, I love the score music from the film.

    Jeremy [Retro-Z]
    Howlin' Wolf

  8. We both have Inception on the list!
    LA Confidential would be in my top twenty. Great film.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  9. A very interesting list. Good to see Kevin Spacey get some love--he's an amazing actor.

  10. Following from the Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest.

    Your list has a higher than average number of movies I have not seen, which surprises me on LA Confidetial, because I'm a huge Kevin Spacey fan.

  11. We have two the same -- Gladiator and The Bourne movies. I could have put a few of those others on my list as well. It's funny, people's movie choices are kind of reflective of the books they write. Imagine that! :)

  12. I love that version of Pride & Prejudice.

    And I laughed very hard over your comment about Russell Crowe. I couldn't agree more!!

  13. I knew you would have an exciting list!

  14. I knew seeing other people's lists would make me remember favorites I forgot. Terminator!

  15. I've seen some of these. Awesome picks.

  16. Adored the Pianist! Wish I'd thought of it. That's the fabulous thing about these top ten bloghops, one is reminded of greatness. :)

  17. L.A. Confidential was a great film and one I totally forgot about.

    Nice list! :)

  18. Gladiator... That's on my opposite list.

  19. Forrest Gump! I loved that movie. Inception is totally awesome, too.

  20. Oh I adore the Pianist and Inception! The Pianist is the best!!!

  21. Oh, good choices. These are generally different from the ones Ive been seeing.

  22. I have yet to see Social Network on any list (I started at the bottom), and I agree, I liked that one a lot. Great list! :)

  23. This is a fine list that I'd be proud to display as my own. Although I am rather partial to earlier versions of Pride and Prejudice and especially like the 1940's version with Laurence Olivier as Mr. Darcy.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  24. Social Network is a GREAT pick I loved that. And hee, Terminator 2 was on mine ;)

  25. You have Inception, too... I've seen that one alll over the place...

    PS... Facing the Giants is one of four movies made by the same Atlanta-area church.... Start with "Flywheel" (Google it... it will all make sense :)

    PS... I fixed the mobile thingy and apologize to Her Majesty for not being squared away :)~

  26. Loved LA Confidential, Bourne anything. In fact, the only one I haven't seen is Inception. Where have I been? But I don't see Blade Runner!!! I'm missing something. Nobody's put BR on their list.

  27. Fabulous actors in strong movies - a wonderful selection here to be sure!

  28. I love P&P! Happy Monday, Nancy!

  29. I never found Michael Biehn to be especially good looking, but I did so like him in the hero role in Terminator and Aliens that I crushed on him, anyway. Great movies!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  30. I'll be back...
    Yeah, I loved Terminator. It's very difficult to stick with only ten on a list!

  31. I love the Terminator. Great action and a wonderful love story.

  32. Hm. Another list with Inception. I'm definitely going to have to see it. :)

  33. Great list! Glad to see someone else with another Arnold movie. Hehehe!

  34. I agree with most of these movies. ;0)

  35. Some great picks in there! Inception was definitely thought provoking!

  36. Wow, Nancy. That was a pretty good list. I love how it refused to be stuck in one spot. In fact, you've given me guilt for not having seen a few of these. First and foremost, I have yet to see Sense & Sensibility. One of these days I'm going to fix this.


  37. I'm in total agreement with your top 5!

  38. Other than Pride and Prejudice and The Pianist...I would be glad to have all those on my list. I have never seen the two I mention so who knows...

    Forgot all about Bourne movies...I liked them all, even the latest one.

    And Nicholson in The Departed was just worth the watching by itself.

    Great list Nancy!!

  39. Ive seen Pride and Prejudice a lot. I have yet to see this movie. I'll have to add it to my Netflix que.

  40. LA Confidential , Forrest Gump, The Departed, and The Social Network are all wonderful movies that I would gladly watch again. Great list Nancy!


  41. Great list. I go gaga for Gladiator.


  42. Phenomenal list. The Pianist is one of my absolute favorites. Captivating/heartwrenching story and it introduced me to Chopin.

  43. Some great movies here. Loved the Terminator. My list was "lighter"

  44. Nice, another vote for Gladiator.

    And I love that version of Pride & Prejudice. Oh, Mr. Darcy. Sigh.

  45. SO many great ones, and I few I haven't seen. Gladiator is one that just missed my top 10. Inception has been mentioned in a number of posts, so I really need to see it!

    What a fun blogfest! Enjoyed your post.

  46. Oh, you've got some really good films up there. Loed Gladiator and Bourne but I haven't seen inception yet. Oh and "Viggo Mortensen is scrumptious!" Yes he is! :D

  47. Loved Inception, and other movies that make me think 'how did they do that?'.

    Leonardo Di Caprio is one of the better actors. He can assume a role and make it his own. Haven't been disappointed in anything he's done.

  48. We have totally different lists but Pride and Prejudice is no 1 in both our tops. That Mr Darcy!

  49. I really like the Social Network. It's interesting and very well-done. Great list, Nancy.


  50. great list. would need to rewatch most of this. glad to see you loved Inception as well.

  51. Yes The Terminator!! Classic! Love Gladiator and Inception too!!

  52. My fave Mr Darcy is definitely Colin, but I want to see this one too even if just for the bloke. Not a huge fan of Keira Knightly but I can probably maybe tolerate her for research purposes :P

    Great list of movies!

  53. Greetings human friend, Nancy,

    Yes, it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! I'm checking out your selections on this dogfest, sorry, blogfest.

    Your movie list is most interesting and varied. I'm wondering if this movie "The Social Network" has anything to do with that favourite social 'notworking' site, 'Farcebook'?

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  54. you, me and some bon bons...and gladiator. yes!!

  55. You've got a lot of great selections. I've never seen A Perfect Murder, though, so I'll have to check it out.

  56. Great list and some interesting choices! I'm enjoying this.

    All the best!

  57. Can never go wrong with Forrest Gump! Great list.

  58. I preferred the 1981 version of Dial M for Murder, starring Christopher Plummer, over the 1998 A Perfect Murder. They were both remakes, but I liked Christopher Plummer's style.

  59. Loved your list! So many great picks. :3

  60. I love Pride and Prejudice too! And INception was fantastic. Watched that by myself at like 2am... it was a little intense :) haha

  61. That's some list you've got there! The Terminator and Forrest Gump are total classics! The Departed and LA Confidential were incredibly awesome but I don't know if I'd watch them a bunch of times. I loved the Bourne Identity too!
