It’s the first
Wednesday of the month.
This last month has been a mixed bag for me. Some ups.
Some downs. It all levels out in
the end. At least, I hope it will. My worst bit of news is something I can’t
really share, not without possibly hurting those who’ve been good to me thus
far, even if I now find myself in a big, dark, black hole of insecurity.
Pretty cool, right?
Now, I’ve never listened to an audio book before. But then again, I’d never read an ebook
before I was published either.
Anyway, before signing, I found out a few interesting facts
about CHP. In the past, their catalog has consisted primarily of public domain titles—think Moby Dick, War of the Worlds
and Pride and Prejudice. Because of this, they have 100% coverage of
the US
public library market. That’s huge! 100%!
Now, CHP is venturing into the world of private titles, such
as my own. Besides physical forms (CD),
they distribute electronically via Audible and iTunes, where most people
purchase from these days. Best of all, out
of the blue, this publisher came to me, instead of me querying them. That was very gratifying, let me tell you, and
definitely helped relieve some of my insecurity.
So now, in 7 or 8 months, barring any problems, I should
have an audiobook version available of The Mistaken! That’s very exciting to me and helps make up
for the rather devastating news I received a couple weeks ago. Like I said, it all kind of levels out.
In addition to that good news, I got to meet one of my
online bloggy buddies & Facebook friends.
None other than the vivacious
Theriault! We’d been emailing and FB
messaging and texting a lot lately, and have grown to be good friends, though
only virtually, as in the Internet, even though we only live about an hour or
so apart, something I only recently discovered.
Well, on Saturday, I noticed Tammy had posted a picture of a
Bellevue, WA
landmark on her Facebook page, so I suspected she was very near my home. I commented on her photo, and the next thing
I knew, like an hour later, we were having lunch together at Outback!
And you know what, we clicked. Just like that. Very natural.
Very easy. Very comfortable. I had a blast! My only regret was that she had to run home
after only 90 minutes—long drive and all.
But I’m thrilled to have met in person yet another “virtual” friend, and
another writer, not to mention one so genuinely sweet and terribly funny!
That’s just the kind of
fuel I need to get me through those insecure days.
Happy June, you guys!