
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

IWSG - Excuse Me While I Take Another Breath

It's the first Wednesday of the month.  Time for

In addition to being on a blogging hiatus, I'm also on vacation, so no real IWSG post from me today.  But if I were to post on my newest insecurity, it would be that I have absolutely no time anymore.  

I want to blog, but I always seem to have some marketing project or chore to see to.  In between those pesky promo duties, I have to earn money.  I do that by editing, which is great, but also gets in the way of my critiques.  

That probably sounds like I have it backwards to you since the editing nets me money and critiques do not.  That's true, but critiquing is a very important part of being a writer.  It's how I learned most of what I now know.  And, more importantly, it's how I give back.  But I just can't seem to find the balance.  

I'm wondering how you all manage that. Any advice is greatly appreciated.  

And I promise to be back next month for a real IWSG post.
I actually have a lot to tell you guys!


  1. I don't know if anyone manages all that. Some people seem more together, more on top of things, but we only see what they show us. And I suspect those folks are leaving something undone--we just don't know what it so. Enjoy your vacation!

  2. I'd love to know the answer to this... right now I haven't written for a week or edited, and marketing is taking over my life...

  3. I can't say I have the balance thing worked out. It's more like a giant Tilt-O-Wheel. Some things get more attention at different times.

  4. We all need magic wands, so we can make our days longer.

  5. Hope you're enjoying your holiday! As far as juggling time goes, it seems that many are thinking about that this IWSG month! I'm wondering if there is actually a solution!

  6. I think so many writers are finding the time-crunch suffocating. It's tough to live life with a family, write, make a living, and be involved online. Something will have to go or not be done as well as we'd like. Glad to hear from you this month.

  7. I think so many writers are finding the time-crunch suffocating. It's tough to live life with a family, write, make a living, and be involved online. Something will have to go or not be done as well as we'd like. Glad to hear from you this month.

  8. You're asking the wrong person...I can't seem to get anything done in the right priority these days. Feeling totally stretched thin. There are extenuating circumstances (my summer of poor health with major hospital stuff going on) but still, for someone who has had to spend so much time in bed, you'd think my novel would be done by now...
    Tina @ Life is Good

  9. Enjoy your vacation and good luck with finding that balance, as others have stated---everyone is always looking for it---MORE TIME!
    TTT :) things take time.

  10. Hope you're having a great vacation. I can so relate to the time problem. Mine is I have blog posts scheduled and then get requests I don't want to say no too. But the blogging and reading blogs is taking all my writing time. And like you, I have to work.

    I've been trying not to read blogs much Friday-Sunday to at least give myself time to catch up on my blog duties and clear some time for writing. Maybe set certain times to blog and read blogs and try to hit different blogs different days. Everyone understands if you can't come by every time they post.

  11. Balance? Umm no. I haven't figured that one out even remotely. I haven't even figured out how to take a break and go play some video games for a while. So how do you get all of your working done? No idea. Just keep trucking. Your way will pan out.

  12. Hey Nancy,

    I know, where is Gary? Relax, I'm finally here with one of my cherished comments.

    You know what your priorities are. The balance is there and the difficult part is wondering how to fit it all into one day.

    Thank you for being a part of this dedication to me, evidently. Next time, you can do a real "I Was Seeking Gary" posting.

    Are we there yet? LOL

  13. I have the same problem, Nancy, and it's why I'm hoping Alex will share how he does it. Because what he continues to accomplish every day blows my mind.

    Hey, Happy IWSG!

  14. We all strive for balance. It seems to be an ongoing battle for most.

  15. I'm really struggling at the moment, for similar reasons. With one book out and another coming next month, the time-draining task of internship/graduate job - searching, and the editorial work I've started doing, I seem to spend 50% of my waking hours answering emails! Best thing is to make time for the things that are most important - in order to have time to write, I've given up a lot of other things that aren't as important to me. Someday I'll find the balance!

  16. I'm with Alex on this, especially right now. Sometimes balance is no balance.

  17. I know what you mean, Nancy! I don't even have a new post up today . . . first day back for students already tomorrow. So excited to teach something new this year, but it's a major time suck ;-)

  18. I can't do it all. In truth, I don't think anyone does. Each day/week/month/year, I prioritize. Some things get finished, some do not. Wish I had better advice for you.

    Great IWSG post! (I think it's real)

    Kim Lajevardi
    (This Writer's Growing)

  19. I can't say that I've overcome this either, but it does help to set a timer (really! like an online timer on my laptop!) for various tasks and then stop when it goes off. This way I don't spend too much time on one task before moving on to the next. It also helps me figure out how long things really take to do, and then determine whether or not I should really commit to them.
    In fact, I'm on the timer right now ... two more minutes, and I'll decide how much more IWSG stuff to do.
    Seems callous, I suppose, because I enjoy socializing with other writers a lot, but it's a necessary evil if I want to stay on top of stuff.

    Anyway, have a great vacation! I miss your posts! (You always have something interesting to say. :)

  20. I wish I knew the answer to that, as well! I'm having a tough time with the balancing act, myself.

    Just look at it this way, way less organized folks than you probably manage it, so I'm sure you can too :)

    Sometimes, we just need to step back and and regroup.

    Organization is the key!

    Best of luck to you :)

  21. I always seem to start out great in the AM but I'm not finishing anything so it just keeps piling up.

    I hear you.


  22. Ah yes, finding that balance truly is key. I haven't found it yet either, lol. And I don't even have a novel out yet!
    Enjoy your break and your vacation.

  23. Hope you can find a balance.
    Enjoy your vacation. :)

    August co-host and IWSG #110

  24. I am horribly unbalanced. I too must find the balance or fall way behind!

  25. luckily i get the good grace of bothering you whenever i want and vice versa. i do concur...say with british accent...that editing is so good for your own writing. right now i know your cringing over my lack of caps & punctuation. don't you know i'm too lazy to care!!

  26. You have to prioritize and do better time management. If you need something done, you just have to find time somewhere. See you soon.

  27. Have a good vacation. Balance is hard. So very very hard.

  28. Balance is always tough. I like that giving back is important to you. And what you give will come back to you. It helps to list your priorities. Don't waste time on the unnecessary ones at the bottom of the list. Good luck finding the right balance.

  29. That's something I'm still trying to figure out. I seem to do a little better for a while, then another project comes up that takes up more time. I guess, since I always need some down time, it helps to lie out on my bed lazily, tv on in the background, while I post and comment on blogs. It seems more like relaxing time to me. Writer’s Mark

  30. Our IWSG posts seems to echo each other. Yeah. Time. I need more.
