
Wednesday, June 4, 2014


It’s the first Wednesday of the month.

So, yeah, I forgot to post my IWSG piece.  Or almost forgot.  I remembered this morning.  But, UGH!  I just can’t seem to get with the program after a lengthy hiatus.  Now, in my defense, I did go through another health scare this week, just on Monday, in fact, but the biopsy came back clear yesterday afternoon, so I have no real excuse, except to say I was a bit preoccupied.  So here’s my problem…

How do you all do it?  How do you manage to write the great American novel, publish, market, work, attend your family, AND blog?  No matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to fit it all in.  I keep reminders on my phone, but I usually end up just moving the reminder closer and closer to the actual event until I miss it altogether. 

I attended an event last night in Seattle with my dear friend, Jennifer Hillier.  It was a bust, basically a sales pitch by Amazon on self-publishing, which annoyed me since I knew it all already because I just self-pubbed my second book a month ago. But I didn’t mind.  I got to spend some quality girl time with my girl, Jenny.  I was supposed to write my IWSG post when I got home though.  And I didn’t.  It slipped through.  Again. 

My life has changed so much in the last year or so.  I’ve learned a lot and met many awesome people, but I really miss my homies in Bloggyland.  I’m trying hard to get back in the groove.  I’m hitting most of my targets.  And yet, I still missed this one.  It’s aggravating.  It’s disappointing.  It’s embarrassing.  And I apologize for not properly prioritizing.

By the way, my debut, The Mistaken, will be on sale for 99 cents starting tomorrow, June 5th, and running through June 10th.  So go pick yourself up a cheap thrill ride!


  1. Cool you got to hang out with Jennifer!
    No idea how I balance it. I don't have kids, so that's a plus. And I just stick to two social media, blogging and Twitter. I guess I've just let some things go in the past four-five years.
    Pick one day that you have thirty to sixty minutes for blogging. Post that day, visit others, and then don't worry about it the rest of the week.

  2. I know how you feel! Sometimes I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I should do.

    I've had to learn time management skills for sure. In fact, just this week I came up with a new plan to stay consistent with the blogging world and this works for me.

    Breathe and then set aside a little bit of time each day! Minutes will make a difference!

    Happy Wednesday :)

    Writing Through College

  3. I so hear you! I get frustrated a lot because I can't manage it all! It's always a relief to hear someone else say it. So thank you! If I knew the answer I'd share it! Take care!

  4. I had trouble getting back in the swing of things after my hiatus, too.

    I definitely have a different outlook on social media and the whole writer thing now that I've published. I'm working on finding a balance. Keeping in touch with bloggy friends is important, but so is writing.

    I've also seen which marketing avenues are beneficial and which are a waste of time. Honestly, I think the best place our time can be spent is writing and polishing and publishing more books. ;)

    IWSG #215 until Alex culls the list again.

  5. I've been struggling with doing it all since my husband died. I'm planning to slow down on the blogging for the rest of the year to give myself time to get the other things done that need to be done.

  6. I've been struggling with doing it all since my husband died. I'm planning to slow down on the blogging for the rest of the year to give myself time to get the other things done that need to be done.

  7. Happy thing turn out ok. We miss you, too. But, life gets in the way. We understand.

  8. Finding the time to do everything you want to do is hard for everyone so no need to feel bad about it.

    Moody Writing

  9. Finding the time to do everything you want to do is hard for everyone so no need to feel bad about it.

    Moody Writing

  10. I totally forgot this month too until I logged on this evening! Sometimes it is really hard to juggle everything, there are only so many hours in a day. So glad your biopsy was clear. Take care.

  11. I think the key is to throw away all notions of balance. You don't have enough hours in the day/week to balance everything -- you'll only drive yourself crazy trying. I prioritize and never get everything done on my list, and that's just the way it is.

  12. Given your recent issues, I don't think there's any problem with your priorities. I'm very glad your biopsy came back clean.

  13. I forgot my post too and have seriously cut back on the blogging for the same reason. And I miss everyone - so I check in every now and then. It's the best I can do.

  14. Looks like your priorities have changed. Going with flow might be exactly what you need. We're not going anywhere. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  15. The only fun thing about last night was the girl time! The brownies they gave us at the event weren't even that good (they were dry). So maybe not the best investment for our $22.
