
Monday, August 13, 2012

Moving (check), Launch tour (check), Blogfest (check)...OYVEY!

This is not my normal Monday blog post, but there’s good reason for that.  This Friday, I will be flying my son down from Seattle to Arizona State University near Phoenix, and on Sunday, we’ll move him into his residence hall.  Yes, after 2 years of researching schools, college fairs and tours, applications, and essays, it’s all come down to this.  

May I say how stressed out I am, especially since I have to do it alone,
without my husband’s help?


Yeah. Super-über mondo-stressed.

Mind you, ASU is the largest public university in the entire US.  That’s nearly 70,000 students, most of whom attend the beautiful one-square-mile Tempe campus, where my son will be living.  So far, we’ve UPS’d one huge box down to his hall, at great cost, too.  The rest will be packed and fly with us. Thank God Southwest Airlines doesn’t charge for checked bags!  Needless to say, I’ve been a busy mama.  So while I don’t have the time to dwell over a thoughtful blog post, I do have time for a few announcements.  

First, my dear friend, Jennifer Hillier, has just released her second novel, Freak.  Though it stands alone on its own merits, it’s also a sequel to her debut novel, Creep, which came out last summer.  (I loved that book, by the way!)  I ordered a hard copy of Freak so Jenny can sign it when I see her at BoucherCon 2012 in October.  I was excited enough just to get my copy, but then I opened it up and saw that she had mentioned me in her acknowledgements.  Yes, more than a few tears sprang to my eyes.  Thank you, Jenny!

Second, after receiving another update from Goodreads, where I noticed one more add to another reader’s TBR list (thank you Lynda R. Young,) I saw that Lisa Regan had updated her review of my book, The Mistaken.  This update has a lot of depth and detail and is not simply a rehashed synopsis.  She shares what she loved most about my story and what she feels makes it special.  My humble thanks, Ms.Regan!  

Next, with my book’s release a short 2 months away, I’m frantically getting ready for my blog tour.  Besides the one arranged by Sapphire Star Publishing, (who, by the way, has a shiny new website) I have my own tour looming ahead.  That’s 15 guest posts and interviews I have to compose.  I’ve already written 10 of them, but I have 5 new additions that came up last week.  (Thanks to those of you who asked me to guest post.)  So yeah, I’m a bit swamped at the moment. 

I did, however, want to mention a couple of other events coming up, like Alex J. Cavanaugh’s Genre Favorites Blogfest on September 17, 2012.  One blogfest, four favorites!  Simply list your favorite genre of:  movie, music, books, and a guilty pleasure genre from any of the three categories!  Alex hosts the best parties, so if you want to participate and meet new people, click here for the latest info.  

Also, on Tuesday, August 21st, my friend, neighbor, and fellow writer, Angela Orlowski-Peart, will reveal the cover for her new YA paranormal novel, Forged By Greed, set for release in September.  Angela will be my guest that day while we celebrate this important event.

And lastly, I’d like to thank Karen Elizabeth Brown for nominating me for the Liebster Award.  Though I’ve done this award before, it could use some updating, so I’ll try to post about it sometime in the near future. 

Whew!  Can I take a breath now?
Oh yeah, right…I have to go finish packing.


So what have you all been up to this summer?


  1. Thanks for mentioning my blogfest! Announced the topic this morning.
    No stress - you can do it! Flying Southwest was a good idea.
    Good stuff on the review!
    And no panic on the blog tour. It will all come together.

  2. Wow! I have to catch a breather after just reading your post, Nancy!

    No wonder you're stressed -- Oy Vey, indeed!

    Best of luck with your darling dependent's distant dorm deposit!!! I really hope everything goes well. ;^)

    And of course I'm looking forward to your book, too!

  3. That's sweet Jennifer mentioned you in her book.

  4. Good luck on all your adventures! My daughter is starting college soon too. I know about the stress that brings!

  5. A week from to Virginia Tech.
    A week from to Kutztown University.
    A week from Sunday, a very sad Mrs. Penwasser and I.
    Maybe we'll take up a hobby.
    Like yelling at each other.

  6. I like looking at crazy pics like the last one. Hope he doesn't have to go through a tunnel like on Chevy Chase's European Vacation.

  7. Phew! I was tired out just reading that! LOL. So much good news though. Have safe travels with your son and know I'll be praying that all goes very smoothly!!!

  8. You sound like swyuch a busy lady - it makes me breathless just reading... Good luck with your son's move to uni - I know how stressful that can be for the parent but the kids - well they take it in their stride!!

  9. Move in time for college freshmen isn't easy. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly (I have my fingers crossed for you).

  10. I'm already exhausted. But, honestly, if I could I'd come down and help. Is it warm there? Yup, I'd fly down in a sec. This is an important transitional time for you, Nancy. Been there. Won't give you any thoughts other than I'm in awe of your energy.

  11. We're just 2 years away from that whole college thing with our oldest, but, at least, he's going to go to the local junior college first.

    I'll have to go dig up the review...

  12. Oh, my college kids off to school-- always makes me want to break into melancholy song, "Sunrise, Sunset". But now that my college son's bedroom is repainted and for the first time--ever--I have my very own writing space, I am emotionally healed. All the best to you as you begin this new chapter in your parenting life!

  13. Take a deep breath, Nancy. You've got this. <3 We believe in you!

  14. Oh, I bet it's frightening to move all the way into a campus building. It's always stressful. :( Good luck!

  15. Oh I know your pain. I'm moving into my dorm this Saturday and I have been frantically packing for a week now.

    And Southwest is just fantastic. Thank goodness for those no charge checked bags :D

  16. Oh man lady, you're busy! BUT I know how amazing you are and I know you'll make it through just fine :)

  17. Wow Nancy. You are SUPER woman!!! Good luck with the move!

  18. Your post are great contribution for entire blogosphere my friend I follow your Google Friends Connect,My Pleasure if you follow us too,

  19. Oh the dreaded moving day, and then returning home to a quiet house. I feel for you. Hang in there. :(

  20. It's funny, I've been thinking a lot about you as my daughter's college departure approaches (I will be an utter mess on the 24th). It is the kind of thing no one can understand unless they've been through it (or are going through it), and the life changes that accompany having a child leave for college are almost impossible to put into words. I'll keep you and your son in my thoughts (he'll do great, and so will his mama :-)).

    And awesome news on the book front :-)

  21. So many wonderful things happening! And yes I am sooo looking forward to reading your novel! :)

  22. The Blogfest looks amazing, but then so does your packing. My summer has been all about getting Alligators Overhead launched and off my C Drive. Head buried in publishing. Good luck with the son relocation. We all go through that in some fashion and live to learn to pack better. :-)

  23. Phew, I'm exhausted just reading that! Sounds like you've had a busy summer just like the rest of us. Safe travels!

  24. Super Good LUCK to you AND son as you do the move.

    With thirteen years before I have to do this, I can't imagine the things you are last-minuteing :)

    Safe travels, and God speed, friend :)

  25. Although you sound busy it also sounds like you have a handle on things!
    Don't worry if you forget to pack something. It's not like AZ doesn't have stores! He's going to be fine. You're going to be fine. Try to enjoy the trip with him! It's time to let him shine! Although we are never done as mom's it's time to watch and see what a great job you did getting him ready for this big step in his life!
    All positive thoughts coming your way for everything that's going on!

  26. You're way busier than I am at the moment, and I'm about topped off. So just saying hi.

  27. Hey Nancy,
    Wow, what a lot happening in your life. And with your son moving away to University, I'm sure there will be some mixed emotions.
    Heartening to note your were acknowledged by Jennifer. Great stuff.
    Ah yes, we actually had a few days of summer. Luckily, I timed it very well when I went to Wales :)
    All the best and happy writing.

  28. I'm freaking out because my eldest started high school. I can't even imagine him going away to college. My little 1st grader cries every time he mentions leaving home.

  29. Oooh - I have two years until my oldest goes. *sob* We're starting the process now and sometimes it's like pulling a balky horse.
    I bet your son is raring to go, tho. Best wishes as you handle this transition!!

  30. Just popping in to say hi!
    Wow, you're super-duper busy! Exciting but stressful times... good luck to you as you juggle everything!

  31. all the ups and down that you have had in your life and it all seems to be coming together for you. I wish you all the best and great success. I will read it of course. Autographed copies?

  32. I hope the moving goes smoothly. That's a big change for you and your son. Hope he enjoys ASU.

    Looking forward to the release of your book.

  33. Oh my goodness you have a lot going on! I hope the moving goes well and your son's adjustment is smooth!!
