
Monday, August 20, 2012

Y'all Come Back Tomorrow Now, Ya Hear!

I know this is my regular day to post, but I'm still away in Arizona, getting my son settled in at ASU.  

Please come back tomorrow for Angela Orlowski-Peart's
big cover reveal for her YA paranormal novel,
"Forged by Greed"

Until then...


  1. Hugs to you...does this mean "empty nest?"

  2. Keep cool and don't cry all over your son. At least not in front of everyone.

  3. Oh, that's gotta be hard saying good-bye the first time you send them off to college. Poor mom.

  4. I hope he has a great school year!

    And I hope you're keeping your sanity :)

  5. I'm feeling anxious for you, Nancy. I know this isn't the same thing, but I flew 3000 miles so I could be there when our son left for Afghanistan. I even had the doctor give me a mild sedative I could take that morning so I didn't blubber all over the place. I mean he was a grown man, 35, but I was so sick with worry. I took the pill and didn't blubber. Actually I was good.

    Your son is still so young and inexperienced. I know exactly how you feel. Scared, excited, sad, happy. Seek out your friends when you get home, okay? I'll be thinking of you.
