
Monday, September 24, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Book Trailer!

I’m so thrilled to share my book trailer with you today.  I’ve wanted one for ages, but I’m so technologically challenged, I had no idea where to start. 

A few weeks ago, my dear friend, fellow author, and beloved SSP pub sister, Carrie Butler, revealed not only the spectacular book cover for STRENGTH, but the trailer, as well, which, in all honesty, absolutely blew me away!  

Carrie knew I desperately wanted one of my own, so she generously offered to put one together for me.  I gave her the script, the link to the soundtrack I’d found, and an idea of what I was looking for as far as the background video goes.  Carrie mashed it all up, tweaked it here and there, and…viola!  

I love it so much!  And I want to share it everywhere.  If any of my lovely followers has a spare day available on their blog and wouldn’t mind hosting me, I’d love to post it for all to see.  And you know I’ll pay it forward.  Just let me know if you’d like me to host your guest post or anything of the sort, and I’m so there for you.  Email me anytime.  My address is available here or in the Contact Me tab above. 

I hope you enjoy the trailer for THE MISTAKEN and find the story intriguing.  The book will be available 10.18.2012 from Sapphire Star Publishing.  You can add it to your Goodreads TBR list today!

The Mistaken


  1. Very cool, Nancy! Glad she was able to make a trailer for you. Must have a book trailer...

  2. How exciting! Your book sounds great and the video is wonderful! You are lucky to have a friend that could make this for you. I will definately highlight your new book and video as soon as I can.

  3. That

    was excellent. I think I can squeeze some space in for you this week, maybe throw in an extra post.

  4. Well you know I love it! I get goosebumps whenever I watch it!!!! Can't wait for 10/18!!!

  5. Great trailer! I'm so excited for you! Congrats!

  6. Blog on fire! Yeah, very cool book trailer. I think we all need a Carrie Butler in our lives. :))

  7. Carrie is unbelievably talented in so many ways. Awesome trailer! Can't wait for the book!!! :D

  8. Thanks for the shout-out, Nancy! I'm glad you like it. :D

    23 days!

  9. Wow! Got goosebumps. Absolutely thrilling, thanks for sharing and congrats on such a fabulous trailer. x

  10. Very exciting, Nancy. Congratulations.

  11. Very nice trailer. It didn't need an avalanche of images.

  12. Fantastic trailer! It sucked me right in!

  13. I liked the look and the music. The trailer is riveting and the story synopsis totally hooked me.

    I wish you the best with the book.

    Wrote By Rote

  14. Great trailer! I like the background and the intense music. I know you've got a lot going on, but if you want to put together a guest post or do an interview, email me at thewarriormuse [at] gmail [dot] com and we'll figure something out.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  15. Awesome trailer, Nancy. I can't wait to read your book.

  16. That was AWESOME! Wow, you're the real deal. I'm not worthy...
    But, since it IS me, I have to ask this about the Russian Mafia's master goodfella, Boris Badanov, "Vaht about moose and sqvuirrel?"
    Beh, heh, heh....

  17. How cool to have a friend who can do that for you! Makes the book blurb more fun for sure:-) I can share it on Wednesday when I blog if you'd like.

  18. Cool trailer. It sorta keeps you in suspense! :)

  19. Awesome trailer, Nancy. Carrie did a great job :-)

  20. So exciting for you! Your book sounds great. I have added it to my tbr list! Congratulations! I will follow your blog with interest also...

  21. Hi Nancy,
    That is one awesome caravan, sorry trailer. Well done that you could have such collaboration with Carrie.
    Although, for just one moment, I got a bit confused by "pub sister". Ignore me and I'm thrilled for you, my friend.
    In kindness, Gary :)

  22. Nancy, I have a brilliant idea. You and me should adopt Carrie. You can have her on weekends cuz you guys is young. Me, I'm old, so I keep her on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday. She'll need time to recupe from her visits with you, I'm sure.

    Your trailer is magnificent. Truly a tribute to a great book. Bravo.

  23. That. Was. AWESOME!

    It was so dramatic and intense! Job well done :)

  24. What else does Carrie Butler do in her spare time? Ha ha, Carrie.

  25. LOL! Nancy,

    you sound exactly like me... and Carrie was able to help me too, (with a new header :)

    It's nearly October.. are you excited :)

  26. Congratulations on your trailer! It's amazing.

  27. This really turned out great Nancy! I would also like to adopt Carrie! I am so excited for you! Julie

  28. nice actually!
