
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Eleven

Happy Halloween!  It’s Day 11, and I’m so close to the end, I can taste it.
I’m feeling a little ragged around the edges.  Can you tell?

Today is another important guest post for me.  I’m over at my very good friend, Jennifer Hillier’s The Serial Killer Files where I’ve written about something Jenny and I know very well:  Villains!  Yummy stuff!  I first met Jenny when I won a signed copy of her debut novel, Creep.  When we discovered we lived near each other, we decided to meet for coffee, then lunch, then dinner and drinks, and we became fast friends.  Unfortunately for me, Jenny moved from Seattle back to Toronto last December, but we recently reunited in Cleveland for a fun-filled week at Bouchercon where I was able to get her to sign her second novel, Freak.  Now I have a matched pair!  Yippee!      

In case you forgot, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Tomorrow on Day 12, I’ll be over at Angela Orlowski-Peart’s new site where she’s hosting my synopsis, an excerpt, my bio, and a bunch of other things.  In addition, I’ll also be over at Livia Peterson’s Leave It to Livia where I discuss the importance of building a platform in publishing.


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

 So who are your favorite villains in literature? 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Ten

It’s Day 10, into the home stretch.  Yippee!
I sure hope you all are surviving Sandy in safety and good spirits.

Today is very special to me. I’m being interviewed by my very best friend in the whole world, fellow author and pub-sister, Lisa Regan.  I’ve posted about Lisa at least a dozen times, probably more.  We started as critique partners and became as close as sisters, best friends who email long letters to each other several times a week.  And that’s in addition to all the texting we do just about every day.  Most of you know by now that, although we’ve been best friends for two years, we only just met in person for the first time earlier this month at Bouchercon.  And while I’m grateful that we get to publish together and remain on this journey, side-by-side, more than anything, I’m so happy I met her, for not only has she made me a better writer, she’s enriched my life beyond my wildest dreams.  Don't miss Lisa's debut release, Finding Claire Fletcher coming from Sapphire Star Publishing on December 6th.

You can also find me over at Falling For Fiction today, where Hope Roberson asked me some questions and was kind enough to allow me a little shameless self-promotion.              

Who has impacted your writing life the most?

Remember, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.    

Tomorrow on Day 11, my other bestie, author Jennifer Hillier at The Serial Killer Files where I’ll discuss villains.  Yeah, baby!


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.


Monday, October 29, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Nine

I made it to Day 9, three-quarters of the way through my big tour,
and time to splash a little water on my face.

Today’s guest post is over at Heather M. Gardner’s The Waiting is the Hardest Part.  Although Heather often posts lighthearted subject matter—Stormy, anyone?—I get a bit more serious.  You see, Heather beta-read my manuscript right before my book deal, when I was trying to decide whether or not to compromise on content just to get it published.  She did me a great service, and I will be forever grateful and in her debt simply because of her honesty.  Check it out and tell me what you think.

Would you ever consider compromising content to get published?       

As always, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Tomorrow on Day 10, my best friend, Lisa Regan, interviews me over at her joint. And Falling For Fiction gives The Mistaken some love.   


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Eight

It’s Day 8 and I’m getting my second wind, even on a Saturday.  Are you with me?   

Today, I have the pleasure of visiting Aimee Jodoin’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman for an interview.  When I finished revising the first draft of The Mistaken, I reached out for critique partners.  The first was not a good experience, but the second one was, for I found Aimee, and I see her every time I read through my novel, smiling when I remember each suggestion she made.  And they’re all still in there, each and every one.  I was so excited when we were reunited here on Blogger earlier this year.        

As you know, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Monday on Day 9, I’ll discuss a humbling experience over at Heather M. Gardner’s The Waiting is the Hardest Part.  Come see the important lesson Heather helped teach me.


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

What were your first critique partner experiences like?   


Friday, October 26, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Seven

Okay, on the down slope now.  One more week to go.  Whew!    

For Day 7, I got to stretch my literary wings a bit over at LG Smith’s Bards and Prophets.  My topic there:  killing off major characters in a novel.  Shakespeare wasn’t afraid to do it, and neither was I.  LG—or Luann, as I’ve come to know her—is one of my long-time followers.  She’s been coming back to visit for nearly the entire two years I’ve been here on Blogger.  And this lady is whip-smart, like fine-literature-smart, which is why it was a stretch for me to write a post reflecting on similarities with the Immortal Bard, William Shakespeare, someone Luann holds in the highest esteem.  I sure hope I lived up to her standards.            

I know you won’t forget, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

For Day 8 tomorrow—yes, that's a Saturday—I’ll be over at Aimee Jodoin’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman for yet another interview.  I hope you’re not getting too tired of me.


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

Are you as well read in classic literature as the lovely LG Smith?  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Six

Oh boy, Day 6, the halfway mark of my tour.  I’m trying really hard to pace myself, but I’m super excited.  Today, I have someone special hosting me over on his blog—Matthew MacNish at The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment.  (Don't you love that pic of Matt?  He looks too cool!)      

For my guest post, Matt asked me to write about organized crime since it’s up front and center in my novel.  Matthew operates an awesome blog where he critiques agent queries, and man, is he madly successful at this difficult task.  In fact, Matthew helped me with my final query, the one that got me a request and ultimately a book deal with my publisher.  He’s gentle and kind, but he’ll thoroughly pick apart your query and tell you where it works, where it doesn’t, and why.  If you think you’re ready to query for an agent, do not proceed without first submitting it to Matt at The QQQE.  Seriously.  Don’t.  He’s that good.         

I hope you all know by now, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Tomorrow for Day 7, I visit LG Smith’s Bards and Prophets where I discuss killing off major characters.  Sounds like fun, right?  Oh yeah!


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

Matthew is a super popular blogger, and we all know him, but have you ever used his query expertise?  What have you learned from reading his critiques?    

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Five

It’s Day 5 and I’m all warmed up and ready to go!  Today, I’ve got three stops lined up.
First, another one of my original friends here in Bloggyland,

Donna allowed me to write a guest post on voice and writing a first-person narrative from multiple points of view.  Not an easy essay, let me tell you.  I love Donna because she never fails to drop by with a kind word of encouragement.  And did you know, she just landed and agent!  Yes, she is a talented lady.

Melissa Maygrove is also playing generous host to me today.  She wanted all the juicy stuff on my book:  a blurb, an excerpt, and even a little bio on me.  I may not have known Melissa as long as some of my other friends, but she has proven herself to be so gracious and helpful, a true friend!

New to the tour, Hope Roberson.  Besides being drop dead gorgeous, she's also original and asked me a whole round of questions you haven't heard anywhere else. I hope you stop by and say hi. 

If you’re interested, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Tomorrow for Day 6, the magnificent Matthew MacNish over at The QQQE.  

Do you know Donna, Melissa, or Hope?  If not, what are you waiting for?  They're awesome! 


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Four

It’s Day 4.  Still with me?  You all have been amazing so far.  Thank you!

Today, I’m being interviewed by the lovely Julie Musil over at her place.  Isn't she gorgeous?  If you’ve spent any time here then you probably already know I consider Julie to be a mentor.  She is positively brilliant.  Her blog is packed full of interesting and useful information on the craft of writing.  I’m always learning something new from her.  I never ever miss Julie’s posts.  And neither should you! 

As a reminder, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Tomorrow  for Day 5, I’ll be dropping by Donna Weaver’s Weaving a Tale or Two where I discuss voice and writing a first-person narrative from multiple points of view.  Hope Roberson will be posting answers to some interesting questions. And Melissa Maygrove will have an excerpt from The Mistaken.  I’m already biting my nails!


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

So what do you guys think of my tour so far?  Stay with me.  I have some interesting things coming up real soon.  

Monday, October 22, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Three

Wow, the love is simply amazing here in the blogosphere!  I had way better than expected sales as a result of Alex Cavanaugh's generous post last Friday, as well as Arlee Bird's at Tossing It Out, and now, some great reviews have trickled in, and after only a few days, too! Thank you to all those who stopped by and to those who actually bought my book.  I am forever grateful.  Man, I really know how to pick awesome friends!

Today, I’m letting my protagonist, Tyler Karras, take the reins over at Carrie Butler’s blog, So You Think You’re a Writer, where he will try to work things out during an interview with his therapist.  Carrie is not only a much-loved critique partner, she’s also my pub sister at Sapphire Star Publishing.  More than that, of her own accord, she designed my blog header, my blog tour badge, and my book trailer.  Besides being altruistic and a talented writer, Carrie has mad, mad design skillz.  May I just say how much I love this young woman?  I do, I do!!

I also stopped by Jeff O’Handley’s The Doubting Writer today.  Jeff is also a critique partner, and a talented one, at that, but more than anything, he writes some of the most beautiful prose I’ve ever read.  Ever!  And because of his talent, he pulled more out of me as a writer than I ever believed possible.  Every writer should have a CP like Jeff.  So if by chance you want to know a little more about me, drop by his place. 

Remember, every follower who comments here during my tour will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Day 4 tomorrow at Julie Musil’s, an interview about process and publication.  Drop by and say hi.  She’s a real gem!


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

Getting tired of me yet?  Hope not.  I still have nine days left!  

Friday, October 19, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day Two

Man, I can’t believe all the love and support I’ve received already for the release of my debut novel, THE MISTAKEN.  Thank you all so very much!  It’s been a humbling experience, and I’ve only just begun. 

Hang on tight.  Today we have two stops on the tour, both very popular.  First, a guest post over at Alex J. Cavanaugh’s then a bit of S.S.P. over at Arlee Bird’s Tossing It Out

Alex was one of the very first blogger-writers I ever met, and I simply cannot say enough good things about the man.  If I tried, this post would at least 5000 words, and then some.  He’s easily the most generous person I know, devoting all of his blogging time to the promotion of others.  He’s helped me more on my tour than anyone, giving me advice at every turn.  He even blurbed my book!  Trust me, if you want to make it in the blogosphere, get to know Alex.  He is the absolute BEST!  Which is why I'm always crushing on the guy. (I'd blush but I'm not at all embarrassed.  Alex knows I love him.)

Arlee Bird is a prolific writer with a slew of blogs, the most popular of which are Tossing It Out and The A to Z Challenge.  Benevolent to a fault, he constantly hosts other writers and bloggers to guest post on his sites.  He was extraordinarily attentive to me even as he was going through a family tragedy.  He's a good soul.  And if you’ve never participated in the A to Z, you don’t what you’re missing.  Boy, do I have the best friends or what?!  Check them out today!      

And don’t forget, every follower who comments here over the next two weeks will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Monday, Day 3 at Carrie Butler’s So You Think You’re a Writer, a psychiatric interview with my protagonist, Tyler Karras, and an interview with me over at Jeff O’Handley’s The Doubting Writer.  Please stop by and leave a comment.


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to SonyDiesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.

The Mistaken Blog Tour:

Did you stop by Mark’s yesterday?  Are you friends with Alex or Arlee?  Aren't I surrounded by the best men?  Oh yeah!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

THE MISTAKEN Blog Tour: Day One

I can’t believe I actually made it here—launch day for my debut novel, THE MISTAKEN.  It's been quite a journey, filled with many ups and downs.  Some goals I've achieved and others I haven't, but I never let anything get in the way of my goal, to see this book published.  They say your first book is your favorite, your baby, and I couldn't agree more.  Even if my writing does get better, as with most writers, I can't imagine any other being quite the labor of love that this one was.  I hope those of you who read it will enjoy it.  But for right now, grab my badge (custom-made by the lovely Carrie Butler) and join me and my friends on my blog tour.

First stop—Mark Koopmans.

I met Mark about a year ago and was quite impressed with the man.  He’s one of those rare gents women can totally relate to, who truly seems to understand us.  An Irishman living in Hawaii, Mark is sweet, kind, and generous, a stay-at-home writer-dad with stunningly beautiful children.  Check out my interview over at his blog today.

FYI – Every follower who comments here over the next two weeks will be entered into a drawing for an ARC of The Mistaken and a bookmark.  Plus, 5 runner-up winners will each receive an ebook copy.  Winners will be determined using and notified via email.   

Tomorrow, Alex J. Cavanaugh marks the two year anniversary of his own debut release of CassaStar by hosting me in a discussion on theme and symbolism.  Also tomorrow, Arlee Bird has permitted me to jack his blog over at Tossing It Out.  I hope you stop by both.


THE MISTAKEN  ~  the hell of revenge, the hope of redemption

Obsessed with revenge following the violent death of his pregnant wife, Tyler Karras pledges the woman who killed her to sex-traffickers in San Francisco’s Russian Mafia.  In exchange, they’ll finally let his brother leave the business for good—with his debt wiped clean and his heart still beating.  But when Tyler mistakenly targets the wrong woman, he’s forced to protect his own victim from the very enemy he's unleashed, and the Russians are holding his brother as leverage to force Ty to complete their deal.  Caught in a no-win situation, Ty must find a way to save himself, his brother, and the woman, but with the Russian Mafia, even two out of three makes for very long odds.    

Available at:
Kindle   Barnes and Noble   Nook   Amazon   Kobo   iBooks

Coming soon to Sony, Diesel Bookstore, and Baker & Taylor.


Early praise for The Mistaken:

“A deliciously slow burn that builds to a ferocious crescendo, Nancy S. Thompson's THE MISTAKEN kept me riveted until the very last page. Tyler Karras is a complex and flawed protagonist, and his redemptive journey makes him the perfect anti-hero. This psychological suspense is a standout, and I can't wait for Thompson's next book.”
~ Jennifer Hillier, author of CREEP and FREAK

“Nancy S. Thompson's debut novel, The Mistaken, is a first-rate thriller full of hair-raising twists and turns.  Pursued by the police and the Russian mafia in San Francisco, brothers Tyler and Nick Karras are fascinating, fully-drawn, desperate characters.  The action is non-stop.  Thompson's taut, intriguing tale of revenge, mistaken identity, kidnapping and murder will keep you enthralled and entertained.” 
~Kevin O’Brien, New York Times Bestselling Author of DISTURBED and TERRIFIED

“Fast-paced and emotionally gripping - once the ride begins, you won't stop reading until it ends."  ~Alex J. Cavanaugh, author of CASSAFIRE and CASSASTAR