
Monday, November 19, 2012

Big, BIG News is a Comin'! I Think...

Hey, I had this whole raving-lunatic-post written and ready to go for today, ‘cause you guys are like, you know, awesome and always ready and willing to rally around a writer in need, but there’s some big, BIG news coming down the pipeline and it just doesn’t feel appropriate right now.

Sooooo… there goes my post. 

Now I got nothing because I can’t, or shouldn’t, really, say what’s coming.  And to be frank, I’m a bit confused.  I mean, I thought I knew what it was, and, for once, I felt like one of the super cool kids included in on the secret, however inadvertent.

A hint, it has a little sumpm sumpm to do with this bad boy:

Then another little birdie whispered something in my ear and now I’m not so sure.  But I can’t say.  I guess by the time this hits the press, you’ll all know, or at least have an inkling, even while I’m still snoring away in ignorance out here on the west coast.


Well, at the very least, I have this to report:  In case you forgot, or I forgot to remind you, I’m guest posting today over at Arlee Bird’s Tossing It Out.  Check it out and tell me what you think.

Also, in case you missed it on Friday, here’s the awesome new book trailer for Lisa Regan’s debut novel, Finding Claire Fletcher, launching December 6th.  I’m reading this book again, for the 4th time, this time in paperback, and it is even better than I remembered.  Easily one of my favorite books of all time!  Check out the trailer and see for yourself…

And lastly, you might have heard that I will be working with Stephen Tremp, Mary PaxC.M. Brown, and Christine Raines and their new support group, Writere4Writers, which will feature my book, The Mistaken, on the W4Ws December 6th debut campaign.  Participants will join in and help bring awareness to newly released novels and hopefully increase sales.

If you’re interested in the Writere4Writers promotion,
please feel fee to sign up using the Linky Tool.
I could really, REALLY use your help!!


  1. And now that you've read the news, you know there's no need to worry!
    Just came from Lee's place and read your guest post.
    And signed up for Writers4Writers!

  2. And here I thought you weren't supposed to know, Alex! *Bangs head against wall*

  3. Wow you're a total teaser!! lol

    Can't wait for all the news! I'll head over to Lee's. :)

  4. Hey, now that's not fair! I guess I'm not one of the 'cool kids', cause I don't know nuthin'. *sniff*

    Anyway, let me zip over and see what you have to say...and Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Can't wait to hear the news Nancy. Off to see your guest post.

  6. I love the idea of Writers 4 Writers and am glad you are the first features. I'm on board, for sure.

  7. Blogosphere is busy, busy these days!! Alex is gonna get ROASTED. Should be fun. :))

  8. Excellent news, and thanks for posting about our Cheers, Cavanaugh Blogfest! :)

  9. I'm excited about writers 4 writers. That sounds like a really great idea!

  10. Thanks for keeping the secret, Nancy! You are very trustworthy!


  11. Blog hops are so much fun. We're going to have a blast celebrating Alex!

  12. So much good stuff these last few weeks! Love the trailer...Love W4W...Love the blogfest...and.............

    I loved your book!
    Great job, Nancy!!! :D

  13. I need to figure out this writers4writers thing. That's what I get for being in a sensory deprivation tank for a week. I don't have twitter, you know.

  14. Oh! And I forgot to say thanks for signing up for the Cheers, Cavanaugh Blogfest! *smacks head* ;-)

  15. Okay, waiting for the news :-)

    Although I am not officially signed up for the blog hop, I will tweet and post on Facebook etc for you.

  16. Woot for Lisa. I knew what it was, but was sworn to secrecy. :)

  17. Alex Rocks! . . .we all know it, but it just keeps needing to be said . . .and I'll check out your post at Arlee's soon!

  18. Alex is the man! Already signed up for Writers4Writers! Looking foward to it!

    Congrats to Lisa! Will feature her trailer AGAIN on my blog tomorrow - it was overlooked today :(

    I didn't know what the blogfest was about until TODAY but had a feeling it involved Alex...

    I had a distinct feeling over the past few weeks but it didn't capture me to shout out to a few of you guys. Maybe I was scared to say what I THINK it would be about! And that feeling was correct! Yay! :)

    Looking forward to all this good stuff happening!

  19. fun, fun! hope i can keep up and do it.... :)

  20. THANK YOU for the shout-out! I'm all signed up for Writers 4 Writers! So happy to see you featured! Over to Alex's. I'm late in my blogging!
