
Friday, November 16, 2012

The I Miss You Blogfest...and More!

Welcome to the I Miss You Blogfest,
hosted by

Here’s the rundown:

The bloggers we really miss…
and the ones we would really miss!

Do you have a couple blogger buddies who aren’t posting as often? Those who’ve pulled back and seem absent from the blogging world? Do you have blogger buddies you are grateful they are still around and would miss if they vanished? Now is your chance to show your appreciation and spotlight them!

On November 16, list one to three bloggers you really miss and one to three bloggers you would miss if they stopped blogging. Then go leave a comment on those blogs.

Our blogger friends are special – time to let them know! 

I only blog on Mondays, my day to post and make the rounds, but there are a couple of blogs I visit every day or every day I know there’ll be a new post.  And while I follow and love so many blogs, and most of them are active, there are a couple of bloggers who don’t post as much as I would like.

First, two I miss because they don’t post as often as they used to:

Jennifer Hillier at The Serial Killer Files – Jenny’s a big time author now with two incredibly popular books, her 2011 debut, Creep, and this year’s follow-up, Freak, plus she’s working on a new novel, so it’s no wonder she doesn’t post as often.  But I really, really miss her, especially since she moved away from Seattle almost a year ago.  Lucky for me, we chat via text, email, Facebook, and phone calls so I never truly lose touch.

Janet Reid’s Query Shark – Yes, I know, Ms. Reid has her own regular blog here, but I really love Query Shark.  I’ve learned so much from that blog.  But she hasn’t posted since September 30th, and for months before that, her posts were sporadic, at best.  I miss waking up on Sunday mornings and tuning in to read how The Shark has ripped to shreds yet another query written and submitted by someone who’s failed to read all the other queries, as directed.  Better still, I miss those few queries that hit it spot on the very first time, even when they break all the rules—like the query for Josin Mcquein’s Premeditated.  I realize I’m past this query stage, but I still learn a lot from reading them. 

Which brings me to a blog I would miss if it were to ever disappear:  In fact, when this blogger took a short break earlier this year, I found out just how much I did miss it.  And him.  And that blogger is…

Matthew MacNish at The QQQE or The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment – Much like Janet Reid, Matt has serious skills when it comes to dissecting and analyzing queries and determining what works and what doesn’t then suggesting ways in which to fix it.  So if you have a query you are thinking of submitting to agents, send it to Matt first.  The man knows what he’s talking about.  And his commenters help a lot, too.

And finally, the one blog I never, and I mean NEVER, EVER miss, is your friend and mine…

Alex J. Cavanaugh - There are very few bloggers out there who are as consistently and truly inspiring, relentlessly selfless, and remarkably entertaining as Alex.  He is the highlight of my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.  In fact, I typically read his posts before I even get out of bed in the morning.  So if Alex’s blog were to ever cease to exist, I would be crushed.  He is a lesson to us all on how to be humble and pay it forward.  And what's more, I've met most of my Blogger friends through Alex, so he's kind of a matchmaker of sorts.  Many thanks and cheers to you, Alex!

With less than 3 weeks until the December 6th launch of Lisa Regan’s debut novel, I’d like to share with you her book trailer for Finding Claire Fletcher.  So without further ado…



  1. Nice post, Nancy, some great blogs in there. And a great trailer, too - creepy and sad at the same time.

  2. ooooooo.LOVED that trailer and you are so right, without Alex and Matthew the blogging world would not be the same! Have a great week-end :)

  3. Aw, thank you Nancy! I'll try and keep up the good work and not disappoint you on those days.
    Wish Jennifer posted more often as well. I always visit when she does.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest!

  4. I think the blogging world would collapse if Alex quit.

  5. Some good choices in there and of course there is Alex! We would all miss him!

  6. Doesn't it seem like a lot of bloggers have just sort of vanished lately? Those are some good ones you mentioned who are still blogging.

    And love the book trailer. Yay for Lisa!

  7. Thanks for the shout-out! Those are all great bloggers! I'd totally miss Alex's blog because that's where I find out what's going on with everyone!

  8. I would definitely miss Alex.

    BTW, I enjoyed your book. Thanks again for the giveaway!

  9. Hi Nancy .. that's a really good book trailer for Finding Claire Fletcher .. and what would we do with out caring bloggers ..

    Cheers Hilary

  10. I loved the trailer, Nancy! And I see you have a lot of bloggers to mention. Great opportunity to tell them how much they inspire and inform.

  11. Awesome choices!
    I agree!
    Hope things are going well!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. You know, it's quite possible that the blogging world would just fall apart without Alex.

  13. Well we would all miss Alex. Oooo on the trailer too!

  14. Interesting choice in Janet Reid. But her query shark blog is so helpful to so many.

  15. Nicely done Nancy :D

    Yes, we owe a lot to the three men who came up with this idea!

    I too love the trailer!
    Your blog is gorgeous, by the way~

  16. That Query Shark saved me back in the day! And lots of other great blogs you've listed. :) I know I'd miss you if you fell of the online world!

  17. Hey Nancy. Nice to meet you. I'm stopping in via Heather Gardner's blog and the I Miss You Blogfest.

  18. Great picks. I would miss those peeps too. Thanks for the trailer also!

  19. Yikes! When was the last time I visited your blog? It's been ages! My bad, because I really like it here. You'd be greatly missed, too. :)

  20. I rememebr Jennifer and Janet! Wow! So many bloggers that have slipped off the radar this past year or so,.

  21. Alex has been getting the love today, and it is well deserved! Our community of bloggers would be a sad one without him, that's for sure.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  22. I agree about Matthew & Janet Reid too.

    Great trailer!

  23. Stopping by from the blogfest. I LOVE book trailers. The book looks great and the music is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing.

  24. Oh man. Did you just compare me to the Query Shark? I think my head just exploded. I better get on Twitter, yo.

  25. Hi Nancy. Except for the hosts, I realised there are so many wonderful bloggers out there for us to meet.

  26. I always enjoy visiting your blog, Nancy. Have a great weekend!

    Congrats to Lisa!

  27. Ahhh, Nancy!!! I would miss Alex too if he all of sudden disappeared out of my life! I mean he is so supportive and encouraging to us fellow writers that I can't even describe it. I love Alex SOOO MUCH!!!

    Not only that, I would miss YOU if you stopped blogging! I love your blog! I actually love you TONS! :)

  28. Let's hope no one on any of our lists leave blogging any time soon.

    Loved Lisa's trailer!

  29. Lisa's trailer is amazing! You came up with a great list Nancy! Speaking of lists, your book is on mine! Julie

  30. I love reading Janet Reid's Query Shark. You can learn so much there!

  31. Lovely post! We'd all miss Alex if he wasn't around.

  32. I've never read a Query Shark post. I've heard a lot about the site, though, so I'm thinking I should probably go check it out sometime.

    Great choices!

  33. Seems most of us would miss Alex and Matt. Come to think of it, we probably wouldn't be doing this today without them.

    Great trailer, one more on my TBR. Thanks.

  34. What a fun and informative blogfest post, with a bonus trailer. Nice work, Nancy.


  35. Ohhhhh... This was lovely, Nancy! What a great tribute. And YOU are so loved as well. You're such a positive influence in this community! :-)

  36. Hi Nancy
    Wonderful trailer and great blogs too.

  37. I tried to think of blogs I'd miss. I couldn't narrow it down-I'd miss them all!

  38. Great choices, Nancy. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.

  39. Ohhh...that trailer gave me a chill. Great stuff.

  40. I totally agree with you about Alex. When I check my stats (kinda an addict) I see how much traffic being in his blogroll brings me and I'm humbled.
    Don't think I ever said it, but thanks for being a follower!
    Looking forward to next years A-Z!
    Tina @ Life is Good

  41. Honestly, I may have said this before, but I can't WAIT to read Lisa's book!

  42. What a nice post Nancy. It is good to share our favorites once in awhile! Hope everyone keeps on blogging!

  43. The blogging world would miss Mathew and Alex, for sure. Great book trailer.

  44. Hi, Nancy,

    Great trailer! And yes, how said the blogosphere would be without our Ninja Captain.

  45. query shark oh how i miss your snark!
    great choices! totally agree!

  46. I definitely miss Jennifer too!

  47. I'm learning about so many new blogs for this fest that I will never have time to visit them all. Yours sound amazing!

  48. Hey Nancy,

    You can relax now. Yes, I'm finally here to leave one of my highly anticipated, much loved comments.

    I was delighted to see you got involved in such a well intentioned blogfest that encapsulates the ethos of the finest qualities within the blogging community. Although I've been doing a similar thing discreetly for a number of years by checking up on bloggers who seemed to have faded into the background. Of course, with the fanfare of this venture, it gets a lot more awareness than what I do. A most positive outcome.

    Which reminds me, in the 'Wish You Would Stop Blogging' blogfest, I have received the most votes! :)

    Have a lovely day in Seattle, Nancy.

    Your starstruck fan, Gary and yes, even Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

  49. I used to visit Query Shark at least five times a week when I was crafting my query letters and submitting. Great tribute!

  50. Oh, and I just clicked on Josin Mcquein's query for Premeditated and remember when it was featured on Query Shark! It was one of those things I remember reading and thinking, God, I wish I had written that.

  51. Great post. Agree! And I love Lisa's trailer. Can't wait for December!!! :D

    Sorry to be so tardy. I've been fighting a bad case of bronchitis this week.
