
Monday, November 11, 2013

Tag, You're It Blog Hop!

As you all know, I’ve been on hiatus for a quite some time, but every once in a while, I like to drop in and leave a little breadcrumb, so you all know I’m still alive.  While I’m still super busy writing and editing, I was tagged last week by fellow romantic suspense author Robyn Roze for the Tag, You’re It Blog Hop. 

This is an easy one, just answer 4 questions then tag 3 others.   All right, here goes…

  1. What are you working on right now?

Amidst all the edit jobs and critiques, I’m frantically trying to finish the last quarter of my second novel, LEVERAGE, a sequel to my romantic psychological thriller, The Mistaken.  Not an easy job when I never planned on writing the first one to begin with, let alone setting it up so I could plot a second.  Plus, my readers expect the same level of excitement or even higher, so I’m really revving it up big time in this next book.  Sure, there’s a lot more sex and violence, but also lots of twists.  That kind of plotting is difficult to pull off, and I want it to be perfect, so I’m not the 2-books-a-year kind-of-author, but it’ll be worth the wait, I promise!

  1. How does it differ from other work in its genre?

Both The Mistaken and LEVERAGE are thrillers, but they’re definitely not your usual fare of cops and detectives or spies and conspiracies.  No sleuthing here or end-of-the-world scenario, just a regular family thrown into the very depths of hell, trying to save themselves without succumbing to the same type of evil that put them there.  I try to write characters readers can relate to.  I can’t tell you how sick I am of über-rich, fantastically good-looking alpha males and the weak-kneed damsels who fall for them.  Please!  It’s so cliché.  Give me a regular blue-collar guy with a mortgage and a kid in college and I’ll thrown flaming poisoned darts at his head and try my best to crush his life.  But I do include a great deal of romance and the forces that try to destroy that, so even romance readers will find something they can love.

  1. Why do you write?

When I wrote The Mistaken, it was out of boredom, mostly, since the ragged economy had nearly destroyed my design business, but there definitely was that voice or muse that whispered in my ear, so I just went along for the ride.  LEVERAGE has been different, more of a challenge to see if I could do it again.  Plus, I fell in love with these people—um, I mean, characters—and I want to see where they go next.  I write now because I’ve discovered how much I love and enjoy it, and I’m not half bad at it either, so why the hell not?

  1. How does your writing process work?

Typically, something sparks an idea.  I then take notes which eventually form into an outline.  But that outline will turn more into a handwritten first draft without much dialogue and absolutely no setting, just the bones of the scene and segue into the next chapter.  Once that’s done, or nearly so as in the case of LEVERAGE, I sit with that outline and just…write!  I fill in the blanks, add setting and dialogue, then sprinkle in backstory.  I don’t edit until I’m done, but I will send chapters off to my CPs and betas to get an idea if it worked for them or not.  Once I’m done writing and I get all chapters back from my CPs, I’ll edit the crap out of it, rinse and repeat until it’s all sparkly.  Before publishing, I brainstorm and gather what I need for cover art and typography, blog tours and reviews, and the all dreaded marketing. 

Okay, so now to tag a few of my own.  

Let’s see, how about…

Have fun!


  1. Hi Nancy! Glad to see you're alive and also that work is progressing on the sequel -- I really liked "The Mistaken."

    Totally understand why you've taken the blogging hiatus (I did it myself most of the past year and only returned recently with a completely rebooted blog). I really hope you're doing great -- warmest wishes!

  2. Not bad for someone who never planned beyond the first book. Or any book! Know the feeling.
    As long as Ty escapes hell again...

  3. Sounds intriguing--keep up the good work!

  4. By all means, Nancy, take your time! I want LEVERAGE to be perfect too! ;)

  5. I can't wait for my tee shirt! :) Leverage is going to blow people away. It is so gripping and exciting and visceral. No one does visceral like you. It's better than The Mistaken which is saying a lot because I freaking love that book. Believe me, I think all your fans will agree that it was worth the wait once it is released!

  6. Playing tag without breaking a sweat is wonderful!

  7. I love learning what others are working on.

    Question for you--are you looking at audiobook format at all for Mistaken?

  8. Great that you're getting so much writing done during your hiatus. I'm just coming back from mine, but was more productive in other areas of my life. Writer’s Mark
