
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

IWSG: Holding On

It’s the first Wednesday of the month.

When times get tough, I latch on to the smallest of things to help me through, to make me feel better until things actually get better.  That’s the way it’s been for the last three weeks or so.  Sales are sluggish to the point of being non-existent at times.  It’s hard to remain optimistic when I see that everyday.

But amidst it all, there is always something that seems to brighten even the darkest of my professional days.  Yes, sales are lagging recently, but I just got word that my audiobook will be launched the week of Christmas.  It will go on sale first at Cherry Hill Publishing then go live on Amazon right after that, then on to Audible and iTunes shortly thereafter.  Seriously, I can’t express how exciting that is for me.  In fact, you can sample the audiotrailer here if you’re interested.

And while, being traditionally published, I don’t have much control over my own book, my publisher has agreed to a 99¢ sale on The Mistaken from December 6th through the 9th, so I’m optimistic things will improve on that front.

To top it all off, tomorrow, December 5th, is my birthday, but not just any birthday.  It’s my 50th.  A half century.  A whole new demographic.  I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, if I should party or cry, but I can tell you, my friends and family have already or are planning to make tomorrow a very special day.  What more could I possibly ask for?   

Oh, yeah, one last thing, if you're interested, I'll be over at Dauntless tomorrow, December 5th with a post on The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the publishing business, so stop on by and say hi!  


  1. As someone who is not yet 50, I'll say "CELEBRATE!" Grats on the audio book, and I hope the sale goes well!

  2. Happy birthday!!! I hit that next year. Bummer.
    Hope the sale and audiobook boost sales. I think everything is slow right now as people wait for Christmas and iTunes gift cards and new eReaders.

  3. Happy Birthday! I'm already past it so you're still young. Awesome your book will be in audio. Hang in there. You got a contract and are published. Whatever sales are, that's a huge accomplishment.

  4. I am SO excited for the audiobook! As for sales, my hubby keeps asking me, and I tell him I have no idea. None. I don't look.

  5. Happy Birthday!!! Like EVERY age, fifty is neither good nor bad -- it's just a number. How you feel about it is the important thing. At 50, we tend to be more emotionally stable than we were at 20, wiser than we were at 30, and more secure financially than we were at 40 (having the kids out of the house does help the bottom line, lol). I think you're a talented, beautiful person and you deserve to celebrate it with gusto! And also -- welcome to the fifty club!!! I just turned 53 a month ago. ;) Remember, it's all relative -- To tortoises and redwoods, fifty is still adolescence; to fruit-flies, it's thousands of lifetimes. It's not how many years you've lived -- it's what you do with those years.

    I also wish you tremendous success with both the audiobook and the sale!

  6. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy whatever you end up doing. :)

  7. Happy Birthday! You share it with my son! It's a great day, enjoy!And congrats on your audio book!

  8. First, congrats on your birthday. I, too, say CELEBRATE. If you are still breathing, that is a good day!!!

    As for the book sales... I hope that the $.99 e-books spike your sales. Word of mouth can make a big difference on the long-term success of your book.

  9. Happy Birthday tomorrow! I just got word that my trilogy will be an audio book, too :-)

  10. Congrats on the audiobook, happy birthday and may I just say that your Audiobook intro sounds ominous and epic!
    Your narrator is British and enthusiastic! Very cool.

  11. Happy Birthday! My 50th was amazing, and I am not old, so celebrate, don't cry. Maybe it will be the day your sales turn around :)

  12. Happy Birthday and Congratulations!

  13. Woo! Happy birthday! And congrats on your audiobook. :D

  14. Happy Birthday. And ignor Alex's "bummer" comment. Fifty was a very good year for me. In fact, the fifties were a good decade.

  15. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day and that your sales go up so you can have another reason to celebrate with cake! :)

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