
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Jane Lark's 12 Days of Christmas Tour

12 Days Banner Final

Welcome to the 12 Days of Christmas Tour with Jane Lark.

After signing with publisher Harper Impulse, Jane, author of the smash-hit Marlow Intrigues series, has decided to end 2013 with a bang! She’s gathered together some of the industry’s best authors to create one enormous Christmas giveaway.

The huge prize is made up of more than 30 books, a combination of signed paperbacks and eBooks, and two gorgeous book bags. It’s the perfect early Christmas present for any bookworm and all you’ve got to do to win is feast your eyes on the details below and enter via the Rafflecopter . . .

To kick off the prizes, Jane is giving away copies of her much loved The Illicit Love of a Courtesan and its highly anticipated follow-up The Passionate Love of a Rake
NEWBookCoverQuote_IllicitLove NEWBookCover_PassionateLove

Jane's books have been a huge hit with fans, leading to an ever-increasing fan base and comments such as:  "Jane Lark has an amazing talent to draw the reader in from the first page onwards." ~ CosmoChickLitan

And to celebrate her upcoming December release of NA novel I Found You, you could also win a unique rucksack.

The book is already causing excitement among readers and looks set to be the must-read NA of 2014.
IMG_1140[1] NEWBookCover_IFoundYou
But that's not all folks! As if Jane's books weren't enough, check out the other amazing books included in the prize pot, you're sure to find one or two of your fav authors getting involved . . .
12 Days of Christmas TP
  12 Days of Christmas TP2  

Entry to Jane Lark's 12 Days of Christmas giveaway extravaganza is easy, just follow the authors on Facebook or Twitter, plus maybe give the comp a shout-out tweet (or two) all via the Rafflecopter below and you're golden. But don't forget to keep your fingers crossed too!

Please take a moment to read through the giveaway terms and conditions:

This is an international giveaway.
Signed paperbacks are to be sent from the authors themselves. Jane Lark, BestChickLit and/or any authors involved accept no responsibility for delivery failures. The winner must be open to accepting eBooks in any format i.e. Kindle copies and via iTunes voucher, from different sources. In the event of .mobi copies, the winner must have an Amazon Kindle account and be prepared to add selected addresses as approved emails on their Personal Document settings.
Some of the books involved in the giveaway contain adult and sexual content and this should be taken into consideration before reading. Jane Lark, BestChickLit, Harper Impulse and any of the participating authors are free to amend any of the giveaway details at any time.

Good luck!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

IWSG: Holding On

It’s the first Wednesday of the month.

When times get tough, I latch on to the smallest of things to help me through, to make me feel better until things actually get better.  That’s the way it’s been for the last three weeks or so.  Sales are sluggish to the point of being non-existent at times.  It’s hard to remain optimistic when I see that everyday.

But amidst it all, there is always something that seems to brighten even the darkest of my professional days.  Yes, sales are lagging recently, but I just got word that my audiobook will be launched the week of Christmas.  It will go on sale first at Cherry Hill Publishing then go live on Amazon right after that, then on to Audible and iTunes shortly thereafter.  Seriously, I can’t express how exciting that is for me.  In fact, you can sample the audiotrailer here if you’re interested.

And while, being traditionally published, I don’t have much control over my own book, my publisher has agreed to a 99¢ sale on The Mistaken from December 6th through the 9th, so I’m optimistic things will improve on that front.

To top it all off, tomorrow, December 5th, is my birthday, but not just any birthday.  It’s my 50th.  A half century.  A whole new demographic.  I’m not sure if that’s good or bad, if I should party or cry, but I can tell you, my friends and family have already or are planning to make tomorrow a very special day.  What more could I possibly ask for?   

Oh, yeah, one last thing, if you're interested, I'll be over at Dauntless tomorrow, December 5th with a post on The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the publishing business, so stop on by and say hi!  

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tag, You're It Blog Hop!

As you all know, I’ve been on hiatus for a quite some time, but every once in a while, I like to drop in and leave a little breadcrumb, so you all know I’m still alive.  While I’m still super busy writing and editing, I was tagged last week by fellow romantic suspense author Robyn Roze for the Tag, You’re It Blog Hop. 

This is an easy one, just answer 4 questions then tag 3 others.   All right, here goes…

  1. What are you working on right now?

Amidst all the edit jobs and critiques, I’m frantically trying to finish the last quarter of my second novel, LEVERAGE, a sequel to my romantic psychological thriller, The Mistaken.  Not an easy job when I never planned on writing the first one to begin with, let alone setting it up so I could plot a second.  Plus, my readers expect the same level of excitement or even higher, so I’m really revving it up big time in this next book.  Sure, there’s a lot more sex and violence, but also lots of twists.  That kind of plotting is difficult to pull off, and I want it to be perfect, so I’m not the 2-books-a-year kind-of-author, but it’ll be worth the wait, I promise!

  1. How does it differ from other work in its genre?

Both The Mistaken and LEVERAGE are thrillers, but they’re definitely not your usual fare of cops and detectives or spies and conspiracies.  No sleuthing here or end-of-the-world scenario, just a regular family thrown into the very depths of hell, trying to save themselves without succumbing to the same type of evil that put them there.  I try to write characters readers can relate to.  I can’t tell you how sick I am of über-rich, fantastically good-looking alpha males and the weak-kneed damsels who fall for them.  Please!  It’s so cliché.  Give me a regular blue-collar guy with a mortgage and a kid in college and I’ll thrown flaming poisoned darts at his head and try my best to crush his life.  But I do include a great deal of romance and the forces that try to destroy that, so even romance readers will find something they can love.

  1. Why do you write?

When I wrote The Mistaken, it was out of boredom, mostly, since the ragged economy had nearly destroyed my design business, but there definitely was that voice or muse that whispered in my ear, so I just went along for the ride.  LEVERAGE has been different, more of a challenge to see if I could do it again.  Plus, I fell in love with these people—um, I mean, characters—and I want to see where they go next.  I write now because I’ve discovered how much I love and enjoy it, and I’m not half bad at it either, so why the hell not?

  1. How does your writing process work?

Typically, something sparks an idea.  I then take notes which eventually form into an outline.  But that outline will turn more into a handwritten first draft without much dialogue and absolutely no setting, just the bones of the scene and segue into the next chapter.  Once that’s done, or nearly so as in the case of LEVERAGE, I sit with that outline and just…write!  I fill in the blanks, add setting and dialogue, then sprinkle in backstory.  I don’t edit until I’m done, but I will send chapters off to my CPs and betas to get an idea if it worked for them or not.  Once I’m done writing and I get all chapters back from my CPs, I’ll edit the crap out of it, rinse and repeat until it’s all sparkly.  Before publishing, I brainstorm and gather what I need for cover art and typography, blog tours and reviews, and the all dreaded marketing. 

Okay, so now to tag a few of my own.  

Let’s see, how about…

Have fun!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

IWSG: In Loving Arms

It’s the first Wednesday of the month.

I’m gonna keep this relatively short and sweet today.  I learned a good lesson Monday.  You see, I went like five or six days straight without an ebook sale on Amazon, the one place where I can track my progress, or lack thereof.  I’ve learned over the last year not to get all bent out of shape when I get a bad review, and luckily, I haven’t had very many to react to.  But when my Amazon sales rank skyrockets, I get worried.  When it soared to the upper reaches of heaven on Monday, of all days, I downright panicked.

I reached out via Facebook, and many of my friends took my hand, offering support and a shoulder to lean on.  But I also encountered a few unexpected angels up there in heaven.  They rallied around me, told me how much they loved my book, how skilled they thought I was, but they went even a step farther.  They formed a street team, a group of loyal fans, friends, and followers who’ll spread their love of my book using various forms of social media.  Then they did, they spread.

And then today, I saw that my wicked streak had finally broken.  Now, I don’t know if they had anything to do with that shake-up, just like I don’t know what caused the slowdown in the first place, if it’s indicative of how things are going right now, which seems the case according to many of my author friends, or just an anomaly.  Either way, it doesn’t really matter.  What matters is, I had the loving arms of some amazing people to hold me together.

So that’s my message.  We authors are already a rather sensitive, insecure bunch, so if you’re putting yourself out there, make sure you surround yourself with folks who will catch you when you stumble, will bolster you up when your confidence sags, will nudge you when your afraid to go any further.  With a year already behind my launch, I’m usually the nudger to my lesser experienced friends, but I’m not too proud to acknowledge when I need help and to accept it when it’s offered.  Honestly, I’d never make it without that.  


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

IWSG: Jaded

It’s the first Wednesday of the month, time for

First off, congrats and thanks to Alex and his admins—Joy Campbell, Michelle Wallace, Joylene Nowell Butler, Susan Gourley/Kelley, L. Diane Wolfe, and Lynda Young—for putting the new IWSG blog page together.  It looks great!  And it reminds me how grateful I am to have so many writer friends in the blogosphere, even if I haven’t been around much lately.

Truth is, I would never have enjoyed the success I’ve been gifted with had it not been for my many, many virtual friends.  More than anything, I love when I have the occasion to actually meet one of those who’ve previously been contained within the boundaries of my computer monitor. 

 Such was yesterday, when I finally met an author friend of mine, someone I’d connected with over the summer via Facebook.  And after much cajoling, she finally gave me permission to read her book.  Yeah, long story, but it comes down to…well…insecurity.  After reading my book, she’d put me on an absurdly high pedestal and feared I might not like her debut novel, a self-published contemporary romance and a step away from my usual go-to genre.

This got me thinking about how critical I’ve become lately.  It’s certainly not intentional, more like a hazard of my new professions, writing and editing, and something I’m working hard to rein in so I can just sit back and enjoy reading books like everyone else.  Granted, I’m still of the mind that every author, no matter how they find their way to publication, should do their research and work hard to hone their craft before hitting that final button.  But what’s most important—and what I’ve lost sight of—about any story is the…well…the story, not the grammar or punctuation or any of those things that have been distracting me lately.  It all goes back to the story.

 So I’m vowing to get back to my reader roots and just…you know…read!

What about you, my writer friends, have you found yourself more critical since venturing down the path toward publication?  If so, dontcha just hate that?!


Oh yeah, one last thing…  I was recently invited to join a remarkable group of authors on Facebook and here on Blogger, where we’ve launched a brand new blog.  We are called Dauntless, and I invite you all to drop on by and say hello.  I think you might recognize an old friend or two lurking about!

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Gathering Storm!

By Alex J. Cavanaugh

From the Amazon Best Selling Series!
A storm gathers across the galaxy…

Commanding the Cassan base on Tgren, Byron thought he’d put the days of battle behind him. As a galaxy-wide war encroaches upon the desert planet, Byron’s ideal life is threatened and he’s caught between the Tgrens and the Cassans.

After enemy ships attack the desert planet, Byron discovers another battle within his own family. The declaration of war between all ten races triggers nightmares in his son, threatening to destroy the boy’s mind.

Meanwhile the ancient alien ship is transmitting a code that might signal the end of all life in the galaxy. And the mysterious probe that almost destroyed Tgren twenty years ago could return. As his world begins to crumble, Byron suspects a connection. The storm is about to break, and Byron is caught in the middle…

“CassaStorm is a touching and mesmerizing space opera full of action and emotion with strong characters and a cosmic mystery.” – Edi’s Book Lighhouse

“Cavanaugh has created wonderfully moving moments of great poignancy… CassaStorm could have been a dark story full of hardship and angst, but instead it's a cleverly balanced story about hope and triumph.”
- Lynda R. Young, author of Make Believe

Find CassaStorm:

Alex J. Cavanaugh has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and works in web design and graphics. He is experienced in technical editing and worked with an adult literacy program for several years. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games. Online he is the Ninja Captain and founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. The author of the Amazon bestsellers, CassaStar and CassaFire, he lives in the Carolinas with his wife.

Find Alex:

$16.95 USA Trade paperback, Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.
$4.99 EBook available in all formats

Sunday, September 15, 2013


by Jessica Bell


The day I realized I’d been obsessing over my sales figures way too much was the day I closed my eyes and tried to think about the real reason I am an indie author.

Is my primary goal to make money? No. So why do I keep obsessing over my sales stats? I realized it’s because more sales means more people reading my work. What I really really want is to be read. I want to share the one thing in this world I would cut my fingers off for. I know. If I didn’t have any fingers, I wouldn’t be able to physically write, but you know what I mean.

My passion for writing comes with a perpetual replacement button, attached to my side seam, just in case it becomes unraveled, and falls off, after a day gallivanting through the publishing jungle. It can be tough in there, but in the end, being an indie author is OH SO WORTH IT.

This made me wonder …  what’s everybody else’s story?
Then Indiestructible was born.

Need motivation and inspiration to self-publish, or sign that contract with an interested small press? Have you done all the research you can, but still feel ambivalent about the idea? Indiestructible: Inspiring Stories from the Publishing Jungle brings you the experiences of 29 indie authors—their passions, their insights, their successes—to help you make the leap into indie publishing.

This is not a how-to guide. This is the best of the indie tradition of experienced authors paying forward what they’ve learned, giving you information to help you on your journey. The personal essays in this book will leave you itching to get your work into the hands of readers and experience, first-hand, all the rewards indie publishing has to offer.

Not only is this anthology packed full of interesting, unique, and genuinely helpful information, and totally worth the 99c (only 99c!!!), 100% of proceeds will be donated to, a movement which breaks the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through service and education.

Pretty amazing, huh?  What are you waiting for?
Buy Indiestructible—support the indie author and an amazing charity—TODAY!

Contributing authors:

About Jessica Bell:
The Australian-native contemporary fiction author, poet, and singer/songwriter/guitarist, Jessica Bell, also makes a living as an editor and writer for global ELT publishers (English Language Teaching), such as Pearson Education, HarperCollins, Macmillan Education, Education First and Cengage Learning.

She is the co-publishing editor of Vine Leaves Literary Journal, and the director of the Homeric Writers’ Retreat & Workshop on the Greek island of Ithaca.

Connect with Jessica online:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cover Reveal: Sacrafice HER by Sheena-kay Graham

The day has finally come.
Time to reveal the cover of Sacrifice HER. 

Be amazed.

Cover Design: 
Image of woman with flowing hair (purchased): 
Cover Designer:  

Title: Sacrifice HER

Author: Sheena-kay Graham

Goodreads: Sacrifice HER

Release Date: December 2013

Summary: When a city is at stake is the life of one sixteen-year old girl worth risking thousands? Deidra Moore goes on the run after escaping from a group of human sacrifices for Bane: God of War. She doesn't believe he exists and sees uncertainty in the scorching desert as a better alternative. But Faux City isn't finished with her and their leader Lord Brinn is ordered by Bane - through one of his maiden worshipers- to bring her back or face dire consequences. In the desert Deidra meets a wanderer named Kane and as feelings spark can they find a safe place to lead a new life before Lord Brinn and his soldiers catch up with them? Yet the question remains. Does Bane really exist and if he does what will happen if either side succeeds or fails? Told in alternating perspectives of both the runaway servant girl and the blonde strong willed leader.

Sheena-kay Graham was never meant for a traditional job behind a desk. Her childhood career plans included becoming a ballerina, actress or someone who helped people. So naturally she decided to be a writer who writes from her bed. Yes, no desk for this Jamaican book lover. No matter if it’s reading, writing or using the get the gist. The love of the written word has always been with her leading to stories, novels, poetry and way too much fan fiction. This Christian woman can be found trolling Amazon online, in local book bookstores, watching movies on the big screen or in her bed, or reading/writing/on the laptop...again in her bed.  Mainly writes YA fiction and is ready to unleash her creativity and wow potential readers.

Find Sheena-kay on:
Her blog    Goodreads    Facebook    Twitter

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

IWSG: It's a(n almost) Brave New World!

It’s the first Wednesday of the month.

I heard some terrible news today, that another small press has bit the dust.  Distressing since I’m friends with a few of their authors.  I’m sure they’re upset, angry, and confused.  I know this because I went through something sort of similar not too long ago.

No, my publisher hasn’t closed their doors, but they aren’t accepting any new submissions either, which means I can’t submit my follow-up novel, and since it’s a sequel, no other publisher will even consider it without having published the first book.  As you might imagine, I was a bit freaked out.  I was offered my rights back if I wanted them, but that freaked me out even more. 

So I sat back, pondered my situation, and determined my path.  I would see my contract out with my publisher, who, like me, was happy I chose to stay on, but I would go ahead and self-publish my second book, the sequel titled LEVERAGE.  And later, if necessary, I'll re-brand and self-pub my debut, as well.

Two years ago, I never would have considered self-publishing.  It still felt like the industry’s illegitimate child.  Sure, in some ways, it still is.  I mean, I’ve read a few self-pubbed titles lately that should never have seen the light of day in their current state of un-edited-ness, but still, even with all the errors, they're garnering tons of 5-star reviews.  Most readers don't seem to care as long as the story is good.  I’ve learned a lot about self-publishing this year, most of it from my many self-pubbed author friends, and most of them are doing phenomenally well.  It's incredibly encouraging and very exciting!

At this point, I’m not in it for the money.  I’m just looking to build an audience that will grow with me over time.  I’m gaining that audience with my first book, and they’re asking for a sequel, so self-pubbing is the way to go for now.

Does it scare me?  Hell, yes!  

I’m no Carrie Butler, writer/designer/marketing wiz extraordinaire, but I am a DIY gal, so, with a little help where I need it, I’m gonna get this bad boy out there. 

My point?  

Well, if I, the woman committed to traditional publishing, can muscle past the uncertainty and dive into self-publishing with excitement instead of dread and fear, then anyone can, including these authors who now find their books without a home. 

So many of the current bestsellers on Amazon are self-published titles.  That’s why the Big 6—er, I mean, the Big 5—are scrambling for survival.  Anyone with a good story can put it out there, and at a far cheaper price, which is appealing to the ferocious appetites of today’s readers. 

It’s a brave new world out there, or almost anyway.  And I’m going to grab it.  My fear is gone and my attitude adjusted.  I can do this.  So can you!  


On a side note, after only two months, my Facebook author page has nearly 1000 likes, and so, to celebrate, I'm holding a 1000 Likes Giveaway, with dozens of prizes (ebooks, signed paperbacks, and swag) from 31 authors, including bestsellers.

Just go to my Facebook author page or click on the Rafflecopter below.
There are a ton of ways to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My 1000 Likes Giveaway on Facebook

Is that the prettiest graphic?  The awesome

And now, I'm sharing it, and my giveaway, with YOU!

I know not all of you are on Facebook, but if you are, drop my my author page & check out my

Two months ago, after much arm twisting, I finally started an author page on Facebook, and I'm already almost to 1000 likes.  So to celebrate, I'm giving away tons of prizes, including 5 signed paperbacks and swag, 30 ebooks, and 2 gift cards.  

There are dozens of ways to enter, so check it out!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I Be Pimpin'!: The Urban Fantasy "FIRST BORN" Paperbacks on Sale!

When twenty-six-year-old graphic designer Lily Moore shapeshifts for the first time, Atlanta police detectives consult wildlife experts to sort through the bizarre forensic evidence she leaves in her wake. Her traumatic transformation coincides with murder and Lily finds herself the center of a mad vortex of area crimes.

On the run, Lily turns to her younger brother to help unravel the secrets surrounding her boyfriend’s death as well as unlock the mysteries of their Chinese heritage. When a loved one goes missing, Lily finds herself scrambling to find purchase in this new world where there hasn’t been balance for a century.

As she learns to master her new preternatural abilities, she must cut through the lies of those around her. With the police and a killer hot on her trail, can she solve the mystery of being First Born or will family secrets prove deadly?

Price slashed from $13.99. Now $8.50 + discounted shipping!

Tricia Zoeller lives in Marietta, Georgia with her husband, Lou, her little yappy dog, Lola Belle, and her big orange mutant cat, George. Her two stepsons, Joseph and Robert, make stopovers as well, making sure to keep life an adventure. Writing has always been a part of her life–like breathing and chocolate. 

Stalk Tricia here:

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

May I Ask a Favor?

Look at me, two posts in one week!  And I'm not even back from hiatus yet either.  But this is super important, so I hope you can take a quick moment to give this some consideration.

My BFF, author Lisa Regan's, debut novel, Finding Claire Fletcher, is a two-time finalist in the eFestival of Words Best of the Independent eBook Awards.  It's up for Best Novel and Best Hero/Heroine.  She seems to have Best Heroine category clinched, but is trailing the leader by a few votes in Best Novel and could use some help.

Now, I realize, some will not want to vote for a book they have not yet read, and I totally understand that, so no spanking necessary.  But if you don't object and wouldn't mind going through the process of registering then voting, I would really love your help!

You see, not only is Finding Claire Fletcher a superbly written and fantastic story -- one ripped from the headlines BEFORE there even were headlines -- it rates 4.8 stars on Amazon with 60 of its 70 ratings at 5-stars, and 8 more at 4-stars.  Plus, unlike its leading competition in the awards, Finding Claire Fletcher ranks consistently well in sales.  That should tell you something:  Not only do people love it, they WANT to buy it!  It's that good!  

So, if you're on board to help, this is how you can vote:

1. Go HERE and register. (REGISTER is at the top OR just click on this link).  Don't worry, you will NOT receive any unwanted spam mail from them at all.


At the CONFIRMATION CODE captcha -- if it's a video, hit the play button and a phrase will come up along the bottom of the video after 2-4 seconds. Just type that phrase into the blank space at the bottom of the video box. If it's only a simple captcha, then just input the characters.

Below that, after you AGREE TO THESE TERMS and hit SUBMIT, you're actually DONE.  It will take you to a page that says, "You're almost finished…" THAT'S AN AD. You don't actually have to do anything there. So close out the page.

2. Then go HERE to the Awards Hall to vote.


There will be a list of polls.  BEST HERO/HEROINE is closer to the top and BEST NOVEL is almost halfway down the list.  Just click on each poll (or the links I provided above) and you will be taken to a list of books to vote for.  You can go back to the Awards Hall and vote on other polls.

THAT'S IT!!  Thank you so very much for your time and consideration.  I hope we can pull Lisa's book up to the #1 position it so rightly deserves.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Cover Reveal: SWITCHED by Cassie Mae!

Hello!  Yes, I’m still around, though I’m just a lurker these days as I work on my next book and earn a little cash editing.  But I try to stay on top of the comings and goings of my closest writer friends, and today is the cover reveal for Cassie Mae’s next book, Switched from Random House FLIRT, launching sometime in December.

Cassie Mae
New Adult Romance coming December 2013

Cassie Mae redefines the New Adult genre with a novel that answers the eternal question: What do you do when you’re head-over-heels for your best friend’s guy?

Ever since high school, Kayla has been crazy for gorgeous football player Talon. But before she could muster the courage to tell him, he became a hot item with her beautiful BFF, Reagan. The only person who knows Kayla’s secret is Wesley, Talon’s best bud—and he’s got it bad for Reagan. Now they’re all in college together, hanging out 24/7. For Kayla, seeing the two lovebirds together is absolutely unbearable. So Kayla and Wesley hatch a plot to drive them apart. But time is ticking and they must act now, before Talon gives Reagan the Christmas gift she’s been waiting for.

Sure enough, the once-happy couple is fighting, Reagan suddenly can’t get enough of Wesley’s goofy sense of humor, and Talon seems to be paying more attention to Kayla than a guy who’s “just a friend” ever should. But something just isn’t right. Then Kayla and Wesley accidentally spend a night together, and discover a hitch they never considered: that switching partners may not lead to a perfect ending after all.

Cassie Mae is a nerd to the core from Utah, who likes to write about other nerds who find love. She’s the author of the Amazon Bestseller REASONS I FELL FOR THE FUNNY FAT FRIEND, and is the debut author for the Random House FLIRT line with her New Adult novels FRIDAY NIGHT ALIBI and SWITCHED. She also has a three book deal with Swoon Romance Publishing, including her book HOW TO DATE A NERD. 

She spends time with her angel children and perfect husband who fan her and feed her grapes while she clacks away on the keyboard. Then she wakes up from that dream world and manages to get a few words on the computer while the house explodes around her. When she’s not writing, she’s spending time with the youth in her community as a volleyball and basketball coach, or searching the house desperately for chocolate.

Author of Reasons I Fell for the Funny Fat Friend
Friday Night Alibi to be released July 29th by Random House Flirt
How to Date a Nerd to be released September 24th by Swoon Romance Publishing
Switched to be released December 30th by Random House Flirt

Find Cassie on:


Yay, Cassie!  I'm gonna need an entire shelf for all your books!

And since a happy dance is in order, I just had to include this funny GIF Cassie sent over.


By the way, while I'm on hiatus, if you'd like to take over for a guest post, reveal your cover, or announce the launch of your book, let me know and I'll get you scheduled.